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Nonin PalmSAT 2500 Hand Held Pulse Oximeter BCI 9004 Capnocheck Sleep Capnograph- O2 and CO2 monitor
List Price: $807.20
Competitor's Price $945.95
Sale Price: $742.20
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List Price: $5,035.95
Competitor's Price $4,548.32
Sale Price: $3,899.75
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Nonin 2500 Hand Held Pulse Oximeter BCI 9004 Capnocheck Sleep Capnograph
Contec Medical CMS 08A Blood Pressure Monitor with SPO2 monitoring Nonin WristOx Model 3150 Starter Kit
List Price: $365.10
Competitor's Price $222.95
Sale Price: $159.95
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List Price: $1,520.45
Competitor's Price $1,769.22
Sale Price: $1,347.50
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BP monitor with SPO2 Nonin Wrist Pulse Oximeter
BodiMetrics™ Performance Monitor Contec Medical CMS 50F Wrist Pulse Oximeter
List Price: $369.99
Competitor's Price $359.00
Sale Price: $299.00
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List Price: $352.95
Competitor's Price $224.95
Sale Price: $149.47
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Viatom BodiMetricsâ„¢ Performance Monitor Pulse Oximeter


Pulse Oximeter is the #1 online Pulse Oximeter supplier to physicians, healthcare professionals, and individual home consumers. We have eliminated the middle-man and sell Pulse Ox technology directly to our customers to pass on the savings to them for all their FDA Approved Pulse Oximeter needs.

Note: All of our products and accessories sold on this site including any Pulse Oximeter, Hand Held Pulse Oximeter, Pediatric Pulse Oximeters, and Wrist Unit Pulse Oximeters, are not intended to replace a physician's visit or professional medical diagnosis or to cure any disease or ailment. 

What is a Pulse Oximeter?


 A pulse oximeter is a medical device that is primarily utilized in the hospital setting which serves several important functions. First of all, it provides a vital sign monitoring function of measuring the person’s SpO2. SpO2 is commonly known as blood oxygen saturation which is the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin. Pulse oximeters have been historically utilized by medical syndicates including hospitals and emergency medical personnel. Newly created oximeters have been created which consist of the same functionality and accuracy as previous generations of oximeter but they now provide the option of portability. Portability was the most common side effect of previous generations of oximeter as the previous machines were large and could not be easily transported. Now, through the latest technology the newest oximeters are small and extremely lightweight. What this has done is that patient are not required to visit their doctor or hospital everyday to measure their pulse rate and oxygen saturation. On the other hand they can utilize the latest in oximeter technology that is small and lightweight that can be transported by them wherever they desire to go.


The other important function that an oximeter services is that it measures the pulse rate and perfusion index. The pulse rate varies by the palpitation of the heartbeat and the increase and decrease of blood-flow in the human body. The pulse oximeter  measures this change in the increase and decrease in blood-flow to give you a pulse rate number. A more advanced feature is perfusion index which measures the strength of the heart beat. This function is very important in many individuals with various physical conditions require not only measuring the Spo2 levels but also the perfusion index. Devices such as these have been integral in giving patients the power of mobility and ability to monitor their health while at home. The patient can measure their vital signs and subsequently after reading their results sharing those results with their physician for further professional diagnosis. In essence, these devices are a way of individuals monitoring themselves and if they notice an abnormal reading then they can quickly call their physician or any other healthcare professional to diagnose and further recommend solutions. Physicians are also great fans of oximeters as they by nature of their professional are always on the go. Especially if a physician works in a hospital as they are required to go from patient room to patient room in order to assess the patients and make medical recommendations. By using a fingertip pulse oximeter the can move easily from one patient room to another without ever having to deal with wires or the non-portability of a typical Pulse Oximeter machine. Previously hospitals had to carry multiple oximeters in order to have then in each and every patient room. However, with the advent of new portable oximeter technology hospitals can invest in portable oximeters that will allow physicians and other healthcare professionals including nurses and operating room personnel to move from one room to another easily.

Understanding the home medical device market today


One of the greatest benefits that individuals enjoy is the fact that they can have vital medical device technology right at their fingertips in the comfort of their own home. Through years of innovation and technology medical devices have gone through some serious transformations that has allowed them to not only become more user-friendly but in addition to that they have become much more affordable. Many years ago the thought that so many difference devices would be able to be used in the home setting was unthinkable. One such great example is a Pulse Oximeter and blood pressure monitor. Both products were the type that you would typically just find in the hospital setting. One is made specifically for measuring the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation while the other is made to strictly measure the blood pressure of individuals. If one was to use these two things at home to monitor their health they really did not have any access to them.


Then what occurred is that there was some major technological advancements in chip technology and semiconductors. Through such pulse oximeter innovation the products were able to be manufactured to be firstly smaller and more portable and secondly much less expensive. So essentially if you have a health condition like lung cancer where you need to closely monitor your oxygen levels or whether you have high blood pressure then what you can do is to easily follow your health levels. The other great benefit of the advancement is actually the fact that the pulse oximeter products became significantly cheaper and more affordable for regular home consumers. The hospitals have budgets that are able to withstand expensive health items, but regular individuals need to have the ability to have access to their monitoring systems while still being conscious of their budgets and financial capabilities.



What is hemoglobin and how does it affect your health


Hemoglobin in essence is what transports oxygen from the lungs to the other cells in the entire body. Oxygen is the most basic element of human life and its need in the body is very important. There are many health conditions that in particular have to pay very close attention to measuring the amount of oxygen that is actually in their hemoglobin. Such conditions as asthma, COPD, and other respiratory conditions require that there be a constant monitoring of the oxygen levels in order to ensure that the body is getting enough. In the medical field the measure of the amount of O2 in the blood is referred to as SpO2 or also known as blood oxygen saturation. It is this blood oxygen saturation that those that have various kinds of respiratory conditions need to keep an eye on and to closely monitor. The primary medical device that is used to measure the SpO2 is a pulse oximeter.


The way that hemoglobin can affect your health directly is when not enough of O2 is being transported to the cells in your body and as a result you will begin to have various detrimental health affects that are not so easily fixed. If for example you have  asthma then one of the biggest concerns is always the fact that you need to keep a very close eye on your oxygen levels in order to make sure that you prevent an asthma attack. When there is not enough of it in your system then you run the risk of an attack which can be very dangerous to your health. One way to measure this and to prevent an attack is to closely monitor it with the use of a Pulse Oximeter. What the device does in fact is that it uses special infrared technology to measure the percentage in the bloodstream.



Suggested tools for losing weight in 2011


There are many ways of losing weight in 2011 and really which method works best for someone is very subjective and depends on their specific circumstances. However one major component that is very much overlooked by many individuals is the fact that when you are trying to shed some pounds you have to ensure that you are doing it in a very safe and health manner. Just because you have aggressively exercised and dieted does not in any way mean that you will be losing the pounds in a healthy way. Sometimes in fact you can do so much damage to your body that in fact it will overshadow your whole health regiment. This occurs many times when individuals exercise too hard and push their bodies to limits that are beyond their body’s capabilities and as a result they place too much pressure on their lungs and heart.


One of the tools that is suggested for monitoring this weight loss regiment to ensure that you are operating at normal and healthy levels is a pulse oximeter. For those that do not know what a Pulse Oximeter is: it is a health device that is used by millions of people around the world as their primary way of monitoring their vital signs and health while on the go. The device is completely portable and as a result this provides the ability to move seamlessly from one point to another without the concern of have to plug it into an outlet. So as you are exercising essentially all you need to do is place your finger inside the small oximeter product that is actually smaller than a cell phone and then within seconds you will get a reading of your pulse rate and blood oxygen levels. This is the key to losing the pounds in 2011 the healthy way.


Egypt and what is being sent for humanitarian aid


As Egypt remains in a state of chaos and there is so much political upheaval by the people with a great deal of violence it is the humanitarian effort that has also become very important. Although the politics vary and different people have their own views, however the importance is that that those that are injured during the protests are in fact treated properly and receive the right medical treatment. One of the oximeter devices that has been sent to Egypt for medical help is a pulse oximeter. The reason why it was one of the most sought after devices for sending to the region is the fact that it is very versatile and extremely important for measuring two of the most important vital signs. These two vital signs is pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation which are essentially the two important signs that are utilized in order to make sure that the individual is operating at healthy levels.


The first step whenever it comes to providing aid is when international nations recognize a time of need by a specific country that is in essence a developing nation. Once there is discovered the need to send them the aid the next step is to determine what they may be in particular need for. Because of its portability and important functionality the Pulse Oximeter provides complete vital sign monitoring that essentially can be on the go by the medical personnel in Egypt. As the medical personnel have to quickly respond to the need for help in any part of the city during the violence at any time the ability to be able to monitor while on the go is absolutely necessary. In addition to pulse oximeter technology there is also being sent donated blood, IV’s, and other items necessary for good health.


Working Moms rest assured that they can monitor their health on the go


One of the aspects of our society is the fact that many moms are now working in addition to raising their children. It certainly is not easy to have to joggle all of these tasks and in addition to that monitor your health while on the go. Women live with many different health conditions that many times require a great deal of close monitoring to ensure that the person is operating at healthy levels. One such health concern is actually asthma which requires a very close watch on the oxygen levels in order to ensure that the person does not experience an asthma attack. An asthma attack occurs when the lungs do not take in enough oxygen and as a result the entire body does not get the sufficient supply that it requires which in turn can lead to many other health issues. One of the devices that has allowed working moms to monitor their health while on the move is a Pulse Oximeter.


Many women are quite familiar with what a pulse oximeter is because they experience so many different medical ailments that do in fact require the use of the device. The way that it works is essentially it measures the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with amazing speed and accuracy. All that the female does is that they place their finger inside the product and then within seconds they will get a complete reading of their pulse rate and oxygen levels. These two vital signs are definitely the most important signs that are needed to keep tabs on a healthy level. The other benefit is the fact that the mothers can also use the oximeter device for their children as well. If the child has asthma then the mom can rest assured that they have the ability to measure their oxygen levels while on the go as well.


Facebook opens doors for the exchange of medical knowledge


It is without a doubt that Facebook is the most powerful social media tool that has hit the market. It is used by millions of individuals and in fact it is growing with its use everyday. Well, besides offering social interaction for individuals through this site, it also offers the ability to share medical knowledge and information that can be truly critical for individuals with looking for that info. One such great example is the use of the social media giant to search for information related to asthma and lung cancer. Although there does exist other places where you can actually find information, however the great thing about this particular site is that you will be able to connect to millions of other individuals that are experiencing your particular health condition. By doing this you can actually share knowledge that will lead you to many sources that you never knew existed.


One example that shows the true power of this internet site has to do with asthma. A young lady recently was diagnosed with the health condition and because it came all of a sudden she really did not have any other way of getting information. So she decided to just go to Facebook and see what information she can get. Well once there she found so much sources that it amazed her. In fact she learned of a medical device that is specifically used for helping those that are living with the condition which is a Pulse Oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that measures pulse rate and oxygen levels in the body and thus is the key to monitoring respiratory conditions of all kinds. If it was not for this social medical site the young lady would have had a very difficult time find information to help her.


How does Google adwords provide marketing strategy for medical device companies


Everyday new ways of marketing come about that have fantastic potential for individuals looking to expand their medical device business. One such marketing technique that has come about as of late is marketing through Google adwords. The way that this works is essentially very easy yet can be tricky as well. Once you have your medical device business in place then your next step is to create an ad for Google. You have to be very particular in choosing the right keywords and the right terms that can come up whenever the individual is searching for your company. So lets say that for example your keyword is pulse oximeter. Then essentially you want to make sure that your ad has the terms Pulse Oximeter in it that will allow the ad to come up when someone is searching for that term. This is probably the most important aspect of the whole marketing campaign.


The next step is to set your budget. The way that adwords works is that every time you click on an advertisement then you are actually charged. But the price that you are charged really differs from one keyword to another. Some are as high as $20 per click and others are even at negligible amounts. The important thing to consider is the fact that you need to definitely set your budget or in other words you may have  a situation where you may be liable for $1,000’s of dollars because you never took the time to set the budget. However, if you can properly set up your oximeter campaign then you will be able to really open up many doors to marketing opportunities that can drive a lot of traffic towards your business and as a result you can see to expand your sales and revenue as a result of this as well.




Genetics and the role it plays in asthma


A very common health question that always comes up is whether asthma is a health condition that is caused by genetics. Well, there really is no direct answer for this as it may play a part and it may not. The actual causes of asthma are not yet known but it is general consensus in the health community that genetics may place a role in the process. Through various studies done it showed that child asthma was very much prevalent in situations where the parents also had the respiratory condition. The other cause of the ailment is actually thought to be environmental factors. Mainly due to the increased pollution in our communities it is not unusual to find that the air qualities are not very good. As a result, many individuals have to endure this unhealthy air and as a result they may not be taking in enough healthy oxygen that would enable their lungs to mature quickly through their growing stages. As a result you will find that many different respiratory conditions will start to come about.


Physicians have long searched for a way to help those living with the health condition to be able to control it. Whether it is caused through genetics or through the environmental factors the most important thing is that it actually be controlled in order to provide the person with a normal life to live. One such way typically that is recommended is the use of a Pulse Oximeter to monitor the oxygen levels. It is very important to monitor the oxygen levels because without the sufficient quality and amount the body will begin to experience many other health problems that will not be easily solved. The pulse oximeter is not a solution to the problem but it does provide a means by which you can cope and monitor the condition so that you can live a healthier life.


Rethinking the strategy to monitor and cope with heart Arrhythmia


The truly understand the health complications that are associated with heart arrhythmia is only possible if you are currently living with the condition. Essentially what happens is that the individual will not have a normal pulse rate. As a result, what you will find is that the body does not function properly because the right amount of oxygen-rich blood does not get circulated through the entire body. This can in response lead to many other health issues that may have much more serious health implications. The original strategy with dealing with this health ailment was to constantly go to either the physician’s office or to the hospital in order to monitor the heart closely to ensure that it is operating at normal levels. However, this was very time consuming and difficult because individuals many times felt that they were trapped and stationary.


As a result, physicians began to look in to new technology that can provide the ability to monitor the heart and the pulse rate while at the same time being portable. Such a oximeter device came in the form of a Pulse Oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that in essence is made perfectly for the use with heart arrhythmia as it measures accurately the pulse rate of the person within seconds. Essentially all the person has to do is to place their finger inside the product and then they will get a continuous reading of their pulse rate. More advanced varieties actually come with a plethysmograph which has the capability of showing the actual change in blood flow to the various tissues throughout the body. Because of its portability this new pulse oximeter technology is now the preferred strategy for dealing with the various cardiac conditions of all kinds out there and in particular heart arrhythmia.


Sleep disorders and what is the leading variety


Sleep disorders affect millions of Americans and it seems to be growing more and more everyday. Although the exact reason why this occurs is not known the only way is to actually try to cope by using such technology as a pulse oximeter and treat the disorder in order to live a much more normal life. There are also many different varieties of sleep disorders and the most common of which is actually sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a health condition whereby during the sleep cycle the individual stops breathing for a few seconds and then begins to breath again. What makes this health condition particularly difficult is the fact that it can not be easily detected or felt as it in essence occurs during the sleep period. However, there have been some typical symptoms of the condition that has been shared by quite a many people. One of the main symptoms is in fact fatigue during the day.


Because there is not enough oxygen that gets into the body due to the sleep apnea the person will tend to be very sluggish and tired throughout the entire next day. One way to monitor this and to determine whether you are in fact suffering from the sleep condition is to monitor yourself with the use of a Pulse Oximeter. You simply hook up the device to your finger while you are sleeping and the pulse oximeter automatically and continuously measures your oxygen levels throughout your sleep cycle. Once it gets all of the information it also records that information on the memory so that the physician can at a later time look through the results and actually diagnose the problem. Being so small and portable oximeter means that in no way does it impact the sleep and it is such a useful took because for those who are wondering if they are actually suffering from this ailment they can easily use such a device to monitor themselves. 

How can portable Pulse Oximeter devices improve your health


The power and ability to monitor one’s health is one of the most important things that one can do. The problem with this was always the fact that there was no medical device that allowed for monitoring of a person’s health while on the go. So if you were constantly on the move and going from one place to another you really did not have a device that could provide you with the ability to measure your vital signs. A device that provides this is known as a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health device that is used by millions of individuals throughout the world to measure their pulse rate and oxygen levels. These are two of the most important vital signs and ensuring that they are in line with normal levels is the best way of improving your health. Their history really goes back to decades ago when the product was not as technologically advanced as it is now.


The earlier pulse oximeter devices were very primitive and really lacked the ability to be transported from one place to another easily. So if you had asthma for example and needed to monitor your oxygen levels when commuting from home to work then you really had no other choice other than having to wait till you got home. However, the pulse oximeter devices changed significantly when new technology came about that specifically made the product smaller and thus more portable to the point that they could be taken with the patient wherever that they needed to go. The first and most important step to improving one’s health is to keep tabs on it and to ensure that you are in line with what your physician has recommended and the use of such a mechanism is one of the best ways to actually do this.


Cancer patients can take their health monitoring on the go with a Pulse Oximeter


Cancer is without a doubt one of the most prevalent and hard to live with health condition in our society. One of the main concerns of these individuals was always the fact that they could not live a mobile life because they were always afraid that they would be away from their health monitoring devices in their home. It was always needed to have a product that the cancer patients could take with them to measure their vital signs mainly the pulse rate and the oxygen levels. Such a device actually came in the form of a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that accurately and quickly measures the pulse rate and the oxygen saturation if individuals. The reason why it is so useful is actually because of the fact that it is completely portable and has the power and ability to be taken anywhere the person desires to go.


The modern pulse oximeter devices changed so much through the years that they are very different than their earlier models. The older models actually were the ones that you would only find in the hospital settings. They were very difficult to move around and in addition to that they were very expensive in that only the hospital budgets could afford. Then through years of chip technology advancement two things became greatly improved. The first thing that occurred was the device became much smaller and could now be easily be taken from one place to another without much effort. It could be manufactured to actually be small enough to fit inside your pocket. The other benefit that occurred was actually the fact that because of the advancement in technology the product became significantly less expensive. No longer was it necessary to have the big buying power of the hospitals and the health care to be able to afford the device but now it is so affordable than individuals in the home can buy them.


How does a Pulse Oximeter help the elderly


The elderly have many different health conditions that require them to monitor their health while they are at home. One of the most common health products used by them is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that is specifically manufactured to measure the pulse rate and oxygen levels of individuals in the home setting with accuracy and ease. Essentially what the elderly do is that they place their finger inside the device and then within seconds they get a complete reading of their pulse and oxygen. The reason why they particularly like the product is because it is completely portable and can be taken wherever the person desires to go. In addition to that, the elderly can take comfort in the fact that the device is very inexpensive. The very best models in the entire market can actually be found and bought for less than $100.


One of the most common health conditions that affects the elder population is copd. Copd is known in the medical term as chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder which in essence is a respiratory condition that inhibits the proper amount of oxygen from being taken in by the lungs. One of the best ways to keep it under control is to closely monitor the oxygen levels to ensure that their SpO2 levels are at the right levels. SpO2 is also known as blood oxygen saturation and it is essentially what individuals living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder need to keep track of in order to keep their condition under control. The future market seems to look to produce more pulse oximeter devices that actually can perform many more functions in addition to just the basic measurement of the pulse rate and the oxygen levels in order to provide a more complete product for helping the older generations.


How does monitoring SpO2 by a physician with a Pulse Oximeter help with Asthma


If you have ever heard of the term SpO2 and wondered what it is then search no more. SpO2 is also known as blood oxygen saturation and in essence represents the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin. This number is quite important for those that live with asthma because measuring the exact amount of oxygen in the body is essential to determining whether the person is at risk of experiencing an asthma attack. An asthma attack can come about in any situation especially when a person least expects it. The reason for this is because this health condition in essence prevents the free flow of oxygen to get into the body and as a result what happens is that the individual will experience a shortness of breath. Many times the attack can be so severe that even inhalers will not be able to help. As a result, physicians tend to recommend the use of a pulse oximeter to monitor the blood oxygen saturation levels.


The way that the pulse oximeter works to measure the oxygen saturation is quite unique in the whole spectrum of medical devices. Essentially when you place your finger inside the pulse oximeter what happens is that an infrared light passes through the finger. This light in essence is completely not harmful and the reason why it is used is because hemoglobin in the blood has varying light absorptive characteristics and as such this is the way that the computer of the device measures the levels. The main reason why physicians tend to recommend this device is because of its portable nature. When you have respiratory health conditions you need the ability to be able to measure your oxygen levels wherever and whenever that you need to. As a result a pulse oximeter is a very useful tool that satisfied both these criteria.


How to properly maintain your Pulse Oximeter in the home setting


Buying your pulse oximeter is the first step of enjoying vital sign monitoring in the home setting. However, one of the most important aspects after you buy your device is to actually maintain it properly so that it will last you a long time. The most important aspect of proper maintenance of the device is to make sure that the batteries are changed frequently. What many individuals do is that they may use the same battery for a very long time and this may actually lead to the battery leaking and thus damaging the pulse oximeter device. The choice between rechargeable batteries and disposable varieties is really up to the consumer. The reason why you would choose the rechargeable ones is because they are more environmentally friendly and in the long run they cost less. This is because you do not have to keep buying disposable varieties when they run out.


The other important point of pulse oximeter maintenance is to prevent the device from getting wet. The pulse oximeter device is essentially very small computer system that is very technologically advanced. If water is applies to the device then what may happened is that the microchips may experience a short circuit and burn the device computer. One of the best ways to prevent this is to use a lanyard that will wrap around either the wrist or the neck. When you utilize the lanyard then you do not need to worry about the product falling in water or getting wet. The other great thing that you can do is to utilize a carrying case that is made to be water-resistant. Carrying cases are not only convenient from going one place to another but they also provide a very convenient method of protecting your medical product form damage from water.





Running with the ability to measure the oxygen levels with a Pulse Oximeter


One of the key vital signs that many runners desire to measure when they are engaged in their sport is the oxygen saturation in the blood. This is also known as Spo2 in the medical community and it is extremely important to monitor in order to make sure that there is enough oxygen flowing through the body while they are exercising. The reason why they were not able to do this in the past was because there existed no health device that would be portable enough to go with the runners. However, through technological advancement there is now technology in the form of a pulse oximeter device that will in essence not only provide the vital sign monitoring but in addition to that it is completely portable. The pulse oximeter device has its roots in the medical community but now through years of more advanced technology it has found its place in the home setting as well.


What the runner will essentially do is that they simply place their finger inside the pulse oximeter as they are running. Once the finger is inserted inside the device the product will begin to automatically measure the pulse rate and SpO2 levels within seconds. The great thing about the process is the fact that the readings are on a continuous basis. This means that you can get readings continuously as long as you have the device on. Being very small and portable allows the athlete to truly utilize the great features of this product while on the go. In addition to its functional capabilities the product is also very durable in order to withstand the active lifestyle of the runners who use them. Pulse oximeter devices come with a hard shell which gives them the protection to withstand movement as well as drops by runners.


Nintendo and its use of Pulse Oximeter technology


Being the pioneer in gaming systems means that you are truly ahead of the game when it comes to bringing out new gaming technology. Nintendo has been the leader in the gaming world for decades and today has the highest selling gaming system in the entire world – Wii. The interesting this is that Nintendo is now in development to bring out a new controller for their Wii system that incorporates a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a technology that measures the pulse rate and the oxygen levels of an individual. You may be asking well how does this even relate to a game system? Well, what the company is thinking about doing is essentially to incorporate the new technology into the fitness games that they distribute. So when you are doing the sports games including yoga or any other health platform then the new product is able to measure your vital signs as you exercise.


This is very useful because the ability to measure the vital signs during exercise not only allows for a good way of gauging your health but it also prevents you from overextending and otherwise hurting yourself. A lot of times individuals do not pay attention to the fact that they may be pushing their bodies too far or even beyond normal levels when they are exercising with these games. Thus the pulse oximeter can simply hook up to the person’s finger and measure the vitals of that person on a continuous basis. The reason why it is important that it measure it on a continuous basis is because you want to have your measurements throughout your entire exercise experience so that you can closely keep an eye on your levels to make sure that they are within healthy parameters. It is very exciting to see how this new technology is incorporated into the system.


Connecting your Pulse Oximeter to your PC Computer


As the pulse oximeter technology advances newer and more useful options are offered by the device for use by individuals. Although their past dates back to decades ago when the product was very primitive and only capable of measuring basic vital signs, today’s devices have much more capability and functionality than their predecessors. One of the most useful options that has been added as of late is the ability to connect your pulse oximeter to your PC computer. This has shown to be particularly important for those that are suffering from sleep apnea. Essentially the way that it works is like such. The individual who has sleep apnea connects the device to their finger right before they want to go to sleep at night. While they are sleeping the product will continuously measure the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of the individual while at the same time recording that on its memory.


The next day the individual takes their pulse oximeter device to their physician at which point the physician is able to hook up the product via a USB cable to their computer and download all of the readings taken throughout the night. Once the readings are downloaded then this leaves the physician to look at the results in order to diagnose the apnea patient and take further measures to help them. The typical way that the pulse oximeter connects to the PC is via a USB cable and the reason for this is that it is the fastest way of transporting the data. The individual home consumer can also hook up their device to their own computer at home for self monitoring as well. If you suspect that you may have apnea you can actually look at your own results at home to see if you do or not have that health condition.


iPhone shows promising signs of incorporating Pulse Oximeter technology for physicians


Doctors have long been in search of a pulse oximeter device that they could take with them wherever that they go that would offer vital sign monitoring. The new trend in medical technology seems to be portable and wireless devices that can perform multiple functions. Developers are working to create new applications for the new generation of iPhone devices that would use the pulse oximeter technology in order to measure vital signs of patients. Current devices are typically used to measure the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of individuals in order to gauge their health. The way that it would work with the new iPhone is that a attachable probe would go from the phone to the person’s finger and then within seconds there would be a reading on the device.


The benefit of this is mostly convenience and the ability to take the device wherever the physician wants to go. What the doctor can also do is incorporate the portable patient data system with the pulse oximeter so that the readings are automatically recorded in that particular patient’s records for future reference. Portability is key for health care professionals because they are always on the go and need products that can be easily transported from one location to another with much effort and hassle. This was not true of pulse oximeter devices in the past whereby they were very large and could not be moved easily. They tended to stay in one location and thus there was one required for every patient room. With today’s devices they are completely portable and wireless whereby taking them from one location to another is a breeze. This allows the health care professional to move seamlessly through patient rooms while helping those in need of medical help in a quick and efficient manner.


Coping with lung cancer with the use of a Pulse Oximeter at home


Lung cancer is one of the most difficult health conditions to live with and it affects so many Americans. The causes of lung cancer are quite varied but one of the most common causes of the condition is actually smoking. When an individual is diagnosed with this health condition by their physician the first thing that the doctor typically recommends for them is to get a pulse oximeter to monitor their oxygen levels. A pule oximeter is a device that is suited specifically for those individuals that are seeking to measure their blood oxygen saturation in order to determine if their body is getting enough oxygen. With respiratory diseases that affect the lungs the close monitoring of the oxygen levels is absolutely necessary in order to make sure that the body is at healthy levels of SpO2. SpO2 is the short term of referring to the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin and is essential monitoring health.


Although there is no specific cure for lung cancer there does exist ways of trying to cope with the disease. One such way is to self monitor one’s self with a pulse oximeter and if it seems that the readings have fallen below normal levels to utilize supplemental oxygen. The most beneficial aspect of the pulse oximeter is the fact that it is completely portable and can be taken anywhere that the person desires to go. This gives the power to the individual to have in their hands at all times a monitoring device that can alert them if their levels fall below normal and recommended parameters. The device comes with a built-in alarm function that begins to sound if the person begins to go into unhealthy SpO2 levels and thus it is a great way of keeping abreast of their health at all times.


Pulse Oximeter helps to monitor individuals with emphysema


Emphysema is one of the many health conditions that has effected our society dramatically. One of the leading causes of this health condition is actually smoking cigarettes. Although there have been numerous warnings through the years by health professionals individuals still continue to keep their bad habit which has some devastating health effects. Once an individual is actually diagnosed with emphysema they are recommended usually by their physicians to use a pulse oximeter in order to monitor their oxygen levels. A pulse oximeter is a health device that is specifically manufactured to measure the oxygen levels and the pulse rate of individuals who are seeking to monitor these vital signs. They are used by millions of people around the world on a daily basis and are truly a health partner for those living with respiratory conditions because of the easy way of measuring the oxygen levels.


A pulse oximeter works in a very simple method to measure the oxygen levels of individuals living with respiratory health issues. Once you get your device all you need to do is place your finger inside the product and then within seconds you will have your reading of the SpO2 levels which in essence is the percentage of oxygen in your hemoglobin. This percentage will enable you and your physician to determine if you are getting enough oxygen in your system. The greatest thing about the product is that it is very portable and you can take it wherever that you desire to go. For decades it was used in the hospital setting but it lacked the level of portability that would allow it to be easily used by individuals on a daily basis while in their homes or on the go. But with the advent of new technology the device was transformed to a product a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone.


Physicians are recommending a Pulse Oximeter for home use


Whether you have a cardiac issue or a respiratory condition physicians are recommending using a pulse oximeter more and more. If you are not familiar with this health device then you are truly missing out on the most advanced and latest in home monitoring solutions.  A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is used to measure the pulse rate as well as the oxygen levels of individuals. For example, if you have a heart condition like heart arrhythmia then such a product would be a true health mate whereby you can measure your pulse rate wherever you are quickly and efficiently. The history of the product dates back to many decades ago when they were only founding the hospital setting. If you have ever gone to a hospital and had something hooked up to your finger then that was this device and it plays a key role in measuring the vital signs of individuals.


The pulse oximeter devices in today’s marketplace are quite different that what you would have found in the hospital setting decades ago. Today’s devices are technologically advanced and completely digital. By just simply placing your finger inside the device the product beings to immediately measure your pulse rate and oxygen levels within seconds. The added benefit to this is that the readings on are a continuous basis. What this means is that say you wanted to measure your pulse rate for three straight hours in order to ensure that you are functioning in a healthy way. Then you can just keep it on and it will continuously work to give you your readings and enables you to monitor yourself to make sure that you are functioning at optima healthy levels. The other benefit is actually the product quite portable as it is wireless and merely the size of a small cell phone.


Healthy weight loss with the use of a Pulse Oximeter can help to prevent diabetes


Losing weight is one of the main ways of preventing the onset of diabetes as it helps you to get back into shape. However, there is a difference between losing weight the healthy way and the not so health way. Many individuals overextend their bodies during exercise or even starve themselves thinking that they are really doing their body’s a favor by forcing it to lose weight. However, if you try to lose weight the unhealthy way you could be doing more damage than you think. One of the best things to utilize while trying to lose weight is to use a pulse oximeter device in order to monitor your vital signs as you are shedding the pounds in order to ensure that you are in fact getting back into shape the proper way. The pulse oximeter device has been used in the medical field for decades and just recently has the actual technology caught up to enable the product to take a leap from the hospital setting to the home setting.


Today’s pulse oximeter devices are completely portable and have the same capabilities and accuracy as the other devices that you would find in the hospital settings. The process is very simple and works as such. Simply place your finger within the oximeter and then within seconds you will have a reading of your pulse rate and oxygen saturation levels. These vital signs are very important to monitor as you are losing weight with the goal of preventing diabetes. After a discussion with your physician of your normal levels you will be able to use the readings of the device in order to determine whether you are functioning at normal levels or whether you need to adjust your workout regiment. Having the power of vital sign monitoring in your hand is key to getting back in shape the health conscious way.


Pulse Oximeter for nurses is made specifically for their demanding work environment


Nurses play an absolutely crucial role in the overall medical realm. In many instances nurses have the first contact with the patients and are responsible for monitoring their health in order to ensure proper treatment. One of the devices that nurses always turned to was a pulse oximeter. This device has been used in the hospital setting by those in the medical profession for years. However, what the health care professionals are used to are the bulky devices that could not be easily moved and did not allow for portability. The need was for portable pulse oximeter devices that could be taken with the individual wherever they desired to go in order to monitor their health on the go. The answer came in the form of new technology that allowed the device to go completely portable and thus enable individuals to monitor their vital signs whenever and wherever they wanted.


The way that the modern pulse oximeter devices help nurses is that it allows them to easily move from one patient room to another without the worry of wires or cables. The new chip technology within the device allows it to be built significantly smaller than the previous generations whereby it is now small enough to fit in your pocket. So the health care professional simply puts it in their pocket or utilizes a lanyard and places it around their neck which will allow them to roam freely and take the measurements of patients quickly and easily. It has same features that these individuals are used to with the older devices but much smaller. The other added benefit is the fact that it is the fraction of the cost of the old models. So for the first time it has become completely affordable to have such a powerful health monitoring tool.


Pulse Oximeter for dentists helps to monitor patients on the dental chair


It has long been overlooked by dentists the importance of monitoring the vital signs of patients while they are on the dental chair. The reason for this is because those that go to their dentist have various health issues including cardiac as well as respiratory conditions that could be triggered during the procedure. Thus it is important to have a way of measuring the vital signs of these individuals in order to make sure that they are functioning properly. The best way to do this is through the use of a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that has been used for decades as the premiere medical device to measure the vital signs of individuals. Through the advent of new technology the device has completely changed and in essence has become significantly smaller and completely portable. In addition, the cost of making the product has decreased dramatically as well thus allowing easier access to everyone.


The way that a dentist would actually use the pulse oximeter would be to have the patient simply place their finger inside the device and then within seconds there would be a reading of the pulse rate and the oxygen levels of the person. The best feature of the product is the fact that should the readings fall to abnormal levels then what happens is that an alarm will sound that alerts the health care professionals that there is something wrong as the readings have fallen to abnormal levels. Throughout the past couple of years many dental practices have turned to using the pulse oximeter for monitoring patients. There have even been talks by the regulatory bodies as to requiring the use of this because it is such a critical device to simply make sure the person on the dental chair is at normal healthy levels during the procedure.






Health care reform bill and how it relates to getting a Pulse Oximeter


It seems that in today’s political environment there is no topic more hotly debated than the new health care reform bill. Many Americans are quite nervous as to whether they will still be able to afford their most needed medical devices. One of the most common medical devices that has been used by individuals for various health conditions is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that serves such an important and essential function for individuals living with either cardiac or respiratory conditions. It accurately measures the pulse rate as well as the oxygen levels of individuals quickly and efficiently. You simply place your finger inside the product and then within seconds you will get a reading which represents your most important vital signs thus allowing you to monitor your health. The problem always was that many insurance carriers would not carry the product and when they didn’t the price deterred regular individuals from enjoying the device.


However, through the advent of new technology the modern pulse oximeter devices are significantly less expensive than their previous counterparts. In the past, only the hospitals with their big budgets were able to actually afford such a device. But several advancements were made that not only made the product smaller than the previous generations but it also made is considerably smaller. You can get the most accurate and up-to-date varieties for really under $40. This is astonishing and in essence removes the worry of what will turn out with the health care reform bill as you can simply purchase your own device without the need of involving the insurance companies. Although the cost of health care continues to go up through the advancement of technology medial devices are beginning to be reduced in cost while still delivering the same level of accuracy and dependability.


Vital sign monitoring on the go with the use of a Pulse Oximeter


It doesn’t matter what your health condition is but the ability to monitor your vital signs is absolutely key for living a healthy life. Two of the most important vital signs that need to be monitored is the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation. The reason why these are two of the most important because they are the leading indicators that your body is functioning properly in that the heart is working properly and your body is getting enough oxygen. Oxygen is the most basic element to human life and without it tissues begin to die. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that enough oxygen be taken in by the individual as it is the key to sustaining life. The best way to actually do this is to use a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is used by millions of individuals around the world to measure their vital signs.


The greatest benefit of using a pulse oximeter is the fact that it is very small and completely portable. In the past, the devices were only limited to staying in one place due to their size and were quite expensive. You would really only find them in the hospital setting where it could actually be afforded by the budgets of those health care institutions. However, with the advancement of technology the modern devices are far smaller and less expensive that what you would find the typical hospital setting. The modern pulse oximeter devices are so small that they fit inside your pocket and can be taken anywhere that you desire to go. So if you are living with asthma and want to take a great trip to a favorite destination then nothing really stops you because you are able to simply take your product with you and whenever you feel the need to monitor your signs you place your finger inside.


Pulse Oximeter for home use made easy with new chip technology


It has long been the desire and the need of individuals with various health conditions to have a pulse oximeter device that they can use in the home setting. A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is used by millions of individuals throughout the world to measure their vital signs. The oximeter device works in a very simple way in that you simply place your finger inside the product and then within seconds you have a reading of your pulse rate as well as you blood oxygen saturation. This reading is the essentially building block to monitoring your health as they are two of the most important vital signs. For years this technology was only available in the hospital setting but was in quite a different form. The size was comparable to the size of a typical microwave oven and could not be easily taken from one location to another without much effort and thus could not be used for home use.


However, today’s pulse oximeter devices are completely portable and can be taken anywhere that the individual desires to go. Through the advancement of technology the device has not only become significantly smaller but it has also become much less expensive. Modern devices can be found for less than $40 and still have the same amount of accuracy and dependability as the previous generations. The most important aspect however is that for the first time individuals can use the product in their homes because it is so small and portable. Actually, the device is so small that it can actually fit within one’s pocket and you can take it wherever you like. Then when the need arises you simply take it out and measure your vital signs in order to ensure that you are functioning at health levels.


Pulse Oximeter devices and can they be used overseas


Many individuals always ask whether pulse oximeter devices can be used abroad or overseas. The reason why they ask this is because they are concerned with the fact that the electrical outlets overseas are different than what you find here in the United States. However, this does not matter because the modern pulse oximeter devices are completely portable and do no require an electrical outlet for a power source. In the past, the devices that you would find in the hospital setting required the outlet in order to generate the power necessary for it to function. However, through the advent of technology and advancement in chip technology the new generation of these devices are completely portable and are powered solely through the use of a batteries. As a result, there is no concern as to whether they will work overseas because you can simply take extra batteries with you in order to replace them when needed.


The recommendation that is often made is to turn to the use of rechargeable pulse oximeter batteries. The reason why this is often recommended is for several reasons. First, by not using the disposable varieties you will have a much less impact on the environment and thus will help to be more green-conscious. Also, it will turn out that using the rechargeable batteries while traveling overseas will also help you to save a lot of money. Every time your disposable batteries run out then you have to buy a new pair. Well, if you have the rechargeable varieties you do not need to worry about that since you can just power it up again and use it over and over again. The beauty of a pulse oximeter is the ability to take it with you wherever you desire to go including abroad to distant countries while still monitoring your health along the way.


How to find a Pulse Oximeter that is made specifically for monitoring asthma symptoms


The first step in finding the right pulse oximeter for asthma monitoring is to go online. The online market is the best place to find it because the online e-commerce sites that sell a pulse oximeter specialize in such products and as such have very specialized knowledge regarding. Should you have specific questions or concerns then the online sites typically have a sales department that you can simply call and have all your questions answered. Regardless of how technical your question may be they have the expertise of being able help you find just the right one that will your specific needs. The question that you need to ask when trying to find specifically the right device for monitoring asthma symptoms is whether the product measures blood oxygen saturation. It is the blood oxygen saturation that is  the key vital sign that needs to be monitored in order to control the asthma symptoms.


If the pulse oximeter does have the capability of measuring the oxygen saturation then you essentially have found the device that can help you in your health needs. Because the online market is where you can find these devices you will also enjoy the benefits of the internet shopping experience. One of the key benefits of this is the convenience and ease of which you will order your product. Once you find the place where you will order it from then you simply pay with your credit card and then within a few business days you will have the product delivered straight to your door. So no more need to have to go to the local store and wait in line or even to deal with any other headache that is typically associated with the regular retail experience. You simply go to the site order and then have your product right at your door. 

Pulse Oximeter measures the pulse rate and the oxygen saturation


Pulse oximeter devices have been around for a very long time. Actually its been over four decades since the first devices were manufactured for the hospital setting. However, what you may have seen over forty years ago in the hospital settings is definitely not what you see today. There is has been an complete transformation that has totally changed the entire landscape of the medical device market. The old systems were very large and bulky and could not be easily moved. They tended to be appointed to one patient room and offered such functions as measuring pulse rate and oxygen saturation. This is in fact something that is common to all pulse oximeter devices in which they all measure accurately the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. 


Then through generations of technological advancement in the pulse oximeter devices they became significantly more portable and mobile. Today’s devices are so small that you can actually just simply place them in your pocket. They allow you to easily go wherever you desire to go while still at the same time having easy access to measuring your vital signs. Some of the individuals that have been particularly benefited by this device are actually those with cardiac conditions. This allows them to without worry be on the move and whenever that they seem it appropriate they can take their pulse rate in order to monitor their heart. Should their levels be at an abnormal reading then an alarm will sound alerting them to take further steps to remediate the situation. The most beneficial aspect of the device is actually that it offers a continuous reading of the pulse rate and the oxygen saturation. This means that you can just leave it on your finger and it will work continuously to give you real-time readings.


Three easy steps to using your Pulse Oximeter device


To use a pulse oximeter is one of the easiest things that you will ever do. Medical devices have long been considered very complicated and difficult to use. However, today most devices are very user-friendly and are made specifically with the home consumer in mind. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that serves a very important function for those individuals who are seeking to measure their pulse rate and oxygen saturation. Say for example that you have asthma and as a part of your treatment your physician has recommended that you monitor your pulse rate and oxygen levels with this device. Well essentially what you need to do is very simple. Take the device and make sure that it has the batteries inside of it. Ensure that the batteries are new and that they are fully charged. Once you have verified the batteries are fully charged then what you need to do is insert your finger inside the device.


Once your finger is inserted inside device then your next step is to wait just a few seconds and then your readings will show up. Now, what light you actually view the readings may have an impact on your use of the product. Typically, try being in a nicely lit area so that you can easily read the screen. Once you finger is inside the device then you are done. The process is very simple and any consumer can actually do it. One of the things that may cause you to have abnormal readings is nail polish and the reason for that is that the infrared light gets blocked by the polish and as such your numbers turn out to be slightly off normal. The best practice would be to make sure that you are not wearing any polish when you actually will be using the product.


Nurses find convenience of use with modern Pulse Oximeter devices


Being a nurse means that you are absolutely and integral part of the health care system. Your ability to quickly and effectively respond to patients really can mean the difference between life and death. One of the things that nurses have always needed was portable vital sign monitoring devices. A pulse oximeter is the premiere vital sign monitoring device on the market. Its roots go back to decades ago and its form right now is a bulky and large device that you would find next to hospital bed. The issue was that the nurses wanted a pulse oximeter that they could just put in their pocket or around their neck via a lanyard and take with them from one patient room to another. Then technological advancements came about that do in fact offer this function for these health care professionals.


Today’s pulse oximeter devices are completely portable and mobile. In addition, their size is only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone or other small mobile computing device. Although it is much smaller than what the health care professionals are used to their capability and effectiveness has remained unaffected. So essentially what happens is that you can put the device around your neck via lanyard and move seamlessly from one patient room to another and quickly measure the pulse rate and oxygen levels of patients. The durability factor is also key because the way that the device is designed allows it to withstand the drops that occur quite frequently in the fast-paced hospital setting. The cost has also become significantly less and modern devices are actually below $40. This means that in no way will your budget be strained due to the cost of the product and you can have the power of monitoring right in your hands wherever you desire go.


Pulse Oximeter used by athletes to keep track of their oxygen levels


Athletes find that they need to keep track of their vital signs when they are working out. The reason why is that athletes use their pulse rate and oxygen levels to measure their improvement in performance. It is long since known that those with a lower resting pulse rate are healthier and many times you will find those that are very active in sports have such a heart rate. There was also a need for a medical and health device that could provide such capabilities to them to measure these signs. The answer to this need actually came by way of a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a very common health and medical device that provides complete functionality for vital sign monitoring at only the fraction of the size of any other current system in the hospital setting.  The process by which the sports enthusiast uses the product is very simple.


Essentially the individual places their finger inside the pulse oximeter and then within seconds there is generated a reading of their pulse rate and oxygen saturation. In fact, the oxygen saturation refers to blood oxygen saturation which is the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin. When the person is working out their amount of oxygen in their system varies quite a bit and it is a good indicator of whether they are actually getting enough in their system. This is important because oxygen is one of the most import elements to sustain life and the lack thereof will have some serious health effects on the human body. Being small and portable also allows them to easily take the device with them wherever they desire to go and whenever they want they just simply take it out and measure themselves to ensure that they are functioning at optimal levels. 


Hospitals adopt new portable Pulse Oximeter technology


Hospitals have long been the main users of the standard pulse oximeter technology that you have seen before. If you have ever stayed at a hospital you would have noticed that the first thing that they do is hook up a device to your finger afterwards which shows your pulse rate and oxygen levels on a computer screen the size of a monitor. This is truly the leading medical device that is used to measure the vital signs of individuals and without it there really would not be a completely accurate way of measuring the signs. But these devices are very large and bulky and they could not be taken easily from one patient room to another. So essentially you had to have one pulse oximeter for each and every patient room. Then there came quite a bit of technological advancement that totally changed the market and created a whole new line of medical devices that were portable.


Portability in pulse oximeter devices has only been around for approximately ten years. However, even in those short ten years there has been quite a bit of advancement which has made the product small enough that it can actually fit inside your pocket. The benefit that this has for the hospitals is the fact that they can equip their physicians and other health care professionals with these portable devices and as such allow them to move seamlessly from one patient room to another without worrying about wires or cables. Although the actual size has in fact changed and has become smaller there has not been any change however in the actually effectiveness and functionality of the product. You can still get your accurate readings of pulse rate and oxygen saturation with the pulse oximeter while on the go for vital sign monitoring.


Obese Children find new help with a Pulse Oximeter to monitor health


It is no surprise that obesity is the number one health concern that is facing our children today. The rates of obesity have actually gone to astronomical levels and it does not seem to be slowing down. One of the things that parents have begun to do is to adjust the diets of their kids and at the same time monitor their progress and health with the use of a pulse oximeter. You may be wondering what exactly is a pulse oximeter. This device is used primarily by many individuals for monitoring of the pulse rate and the oxygen levels on an ongoing basis. There are many health conditions that require close monitoring of these vital signs. When a child is actually recommended to go on an exercise regiment in order to lose weight one of the most important things that they must keep a track of is their pulse rate and the oxygen levels to make sure that they are losing weight the healthy way.


The way the process works is very simple. You take the finger of the kid and place it inside the device. The pulse oximeter devices in today’s marketplace actually have varieties that are particularly manufactured for the small fingers of children. In essence the way the device works is that when you place your finger inside it you get an instant reading of the heart beat and the blood oxygen saturation. The more tight and snug the fit the better the actual readings are and the more accurate they are. For example, if your kid is exercising outdoors in the strict regiment that has been prescribed for them then every once in a while all you have to do is have him or her place their finger inside the product. Then within seconds there will be a reading of their vital signs and you can determine based on those results whether they are exercising in a health manner and not causing harm to their bodies.


University hospitals turn to using a Pulse Oximeter for their medical students


Many university hospitals around the nation serve a very important function of providing the health care to their respective communities. In addition to being an area of learning where medical students are trained, the hospitals are actually key in delivering the most critical of care for those individuals with various health conditions. One of the trends in recent years with these health care facilities has actually been to provide their medical students with the latest in pulse oximeter technology in  order to better equip them to serve patients. A pulse oximeter has been around in the hospital setting for decades. But the modern advancements in the device have really changed the landscape of the medical device market. Today’s devices are completely portable as opposed to the older generations and they can be taken easily from one point to another.


The previous generations of pulse oximeter devices were very bulky and large. They tended to remain in one location and not be moved because essentially they were very large. The most important function that the device serves is that it offers an accurate way of continuously measuring pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation within seconds. The importance of the concept of continuous comes into play when you are actually needing to measure your vital signs on an extended period of time. Say for example that a patient checks into the university hospital and is suffering from a cardiac condition. By hooking them up to the device you can actually monitor their pulse rate for hours on end and if there is anything abnormal about its rhythm or condition then an alarm function will begin to sound. This is very important because medical students have always been in the need to have devices that were portable and able to be taken anywhere that you wanted to go.


Trouble breathing may be helped with the use of a Pulse Oximeter


Respiratory conditions are on the rise and there does not seem to be any sign of slowing down. The exact reason for this is not known but the general consensus may be that because of pollution and other factors the air quality has been greatly affected and as such the lungs of individuals as well. There always was needed a medical and health device that could be used to measure the oxygen levels of individuals with various respiratory conditions in order to ensure that they are getting enough oxygen in their system. Such a system is actually known as a pulse oximeter and is used by millions of people across the world. A pulse oximeter is made specifically for the measuring of the oxygen levels of individuals who are in need of monitoring closely their levels. Many times if you have trouble breathing then what you should do is to utilize the product in order to see if you are getting enough good air in your system.


The way that the device works is a bit complicated but in general terms its easy. Essentially when you slip your finger inside the pulse oximeter there is turned on an infrared light that passes through your finger. There is no concern here because the light is harmless and in essence just goes through the finger in a non-invasive fashion. In the earlier days before these devices individuals had to prick their fingers and get their oxygen levels via a blood test. But today, with pulse oximeter device the process has become completely non-invasive. The light that passes through and brings back to the computer certain information that is then calculated to give you the readings for your vital signs. If you have trouble breathing it is a very good idea to look into such a device to help you monitor your oxygen levels.


Individuals turn to Yahoo search engine to find a Pulse Oximeter for themselves


Yahoo has been one of the leading search engines in the entire world. Many individuals turn to their search engine in order to find products that they have been seeking for many years. One of the products that has become very popular on Yahoo is actually a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is used by individuals with varying degrees of health to monitor their pulse rate as well as their oxygen levels. There are millions of people around the world that have turned to this particular device and its use keeps on growing. The reason for its success is actually due to the fact that it serves such an important function for individuals but it is extremely easy to use and cost effective as well. The reason why it is so easy to use is because it really takes two steps to get your pulse rate and oxygen level readings. You simply insert your finger inside the device and then within seconds you will get a calculation of your vital signs.


The issue was in the past that it was very hard to find these devices in the stores. So if you even go down to your local pharmacy you will not be able to find what you are looking for. So by using Yahoo individuals have been able to order their pulse oximeter devices easily while still at home. One of the greatest benefits of ordering this product online has been the convenience factor. Because everything takes place online you never have to leave your home or even your neighborhood in order to have access to the most advanced technology in the world. You simply order online and then within a few days you have the product delivered directly to you as an added convenience.


Senior citizen care with the use of a Pulse Oximeter in the home


Senior citizens are truly ones that we need to appreciate and care for. Their contribution to our society has been great and in order to give back to them we need to care for them. Senior citizens live with many health conditions including respiratory and cardiac conditions. As a result, they are in need of a medical and health device that will be able to measure their pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with accuracy and ease. This device is a pulse oximeter and its use is in the tens of millions around the world. A pulse oximeter is primarily used to measure the vital signs but it is essentially a health mate that can be taken anywhere that the senior desires to go. So lets say for example that the individual wants to go on vacation but they have a case of asthma or COPD. As a result, they need to keep track of their respiratory condition with the use of the device.


By using a pulse oximeter the person can monitor closely their oxygen saturation levels and as a result keep a close eye on their health. The device comes with a set of batteries which allows for mobile and portable operation. It is just a fraction of the size of a cell phone which means that the moving of it is very simple and there is no longer any concern that there will be wires or cables to worry about. The other important feature it has which in particular is helpful for the elderly is that the screen is very easy to ready because it is a digital LED screen. By being a digital LED screen the elder individuals can see it easily in different lighting situations and as a result they can have better monitoring of their health. 

Google provides excellent opportunity to find Pulse Oximeter technology


It is without a doubt that Google is the largest and most effective search engine in the market. Their reach is global and their effectiveness in search engine technology is second to none. One of the greatest benefactors of this advancement in technology from Google is actually medical devices and pulse oximeter devices in particular. Prior to the search engine, there really was not much of an outlet to actually find these devices for home use. They were only limited to the hospitals and clinics that tended to have the unique connections with the distributors to be able to get the devices. Now the interesting thing is that those products that were in the hospitals and clinics are radically different than what you can find on the internet for home use. The old generation of the products tended to be larger and heavier and not made for the home patient who just wants some health monitoring.


Today’s pulse oximeter technology that is found on google is far more advanced in its features and technology. The first thing that can be noticed is actually the size of the device. The size has decreased dramatically to the point where it is only a fraction of the size of cell phone. The main reason for this decrease is actually the advancement in chip technology that enabled such progress. There is now the ability to build smaller and more effective devices that have just as much capability as the large predecessors that came before them. The pulse oximeter is a thing that is depended on by so many individuals that are seeking to monitor themselves at home without the need to constantly go to the physician’s office for monitoring purposes. It is very small and lightweight thus enabling portability for health and medical purposes.


Pulse Oximeter devices are easily purchased on Google for the first time


It is so exciting when you actually come across innovations and new ways of doing things. The internet revolution has really been laid and expanded by Google. They are the number one search engine and in fact more searches are performed on Google than any other service. The reason for this is the fact that it is quite effective in its ability to deliver to individuals what they are seeking when they are searching online.  One of the areas where it was very difficult to actually find a product is medical devices and in particular pulse oximeter devices. A pulse oximeter is quite a unique product in the sense that it serves multiple purposes for health and wellness reasons. One of its functions is actually the ability to measure the pulse rate of an individual within seconds. The way that it does this is actually that you when you place your finger inside the device it immediately senses the changes in blood volume and reports back a pulse rate.


The other major function that a pulse oximeter services is actually the measurement of blood oxygen saturation. Blood oxygen saturation is essentially the percentage of the hemoglobin that is in the blood of an individual. This is a very important number to a wide variety of individuals that are suffering from a variety of health concerns. Some of the most common happen to be asthma and COPD. Asthma is a condition that occurs when the body does not get enough oxygen through the lungs. As such there is a lack of O2 in the body that can lead to other health concerns. Measuring that amount in the body is essential to ensure that the body is getting enough supply and if there may be the need to get supplemental oxygen.


Pulse Oximeter for children is specially made to fit their small fingers


It is obvious that children suffer just the same health conditions that adults do but in their own way. One of the most common health concerns is actually child asthma. Asthma is quite a common condition that has its roots in causes that are not quite known. However, there is the necessity to monitor the oxygen levels of those with asthma to ensure that they are getting enough oxygen in their system. The reason you need to do this is because the body lives and thrives off oxygen. If there is a lack thereof then the body can experience serious health effects that could have been so easily avoided. A device that is made specifically for children for asthma is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that essentially works in such a manner: you place your finger inside the product and then within seconds you get a reading of your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation.


Now the breakthrough in pulse oximeter technology actually comes because children have smaller fingers as adults. To ensure that you are getting accurate readings from the device you have to ensure that there is a snug fit around the finger. Thus there was needed a product that had a small enough fit for the kid’s finger in order to ensure the accurate reading. Today’s devices now are specially made with the kid in mind because they are made very small for that snug fit. In fact, if you have a neonatal with a health condition and need to measure their SpO2 or pulse rate then there are neonatal varieties available as well. These are even further smaller because neonatals have tiny fingers and thus they can not use adult models and need the ones that are only made for their anatomy.


How to understand how a Pulse Oximeter works


Understanding how a pulse oximeter works can be complicated in some respects and actually quite easy in other respects. The reason why I say this is because the general idea is very simple and easy to follow. What happens is that you or in conjunction with your physician decide that you will be in need of monitoring your health and oxygen levels with the help of a pulse oximeter. Once this is decided then what you do is place your finger inside the device and then within seconds you begin to get a reading of your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. Blood oxygen saturation has been referred to as SpO2 by professionals and really represents the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin of an individual. This number is very important to those with certain respiratory conditions including asthma and COPD as it is their main way of telling their health.


The technical way that the pulse oximeter works is that it uses an infrared light that passes through the skin harmlessly to measure the two vital signs. Blood actually has different reflective characteristics that are able to be measured by the infrared light. These differences are translate back to the device’s computer for computing the actual numbers that are then generated for the individual to use for their own purposes. So the key to the whole process is the way that the infrared light actually goes through the ski and reflects back a certain amount of that light for the central computer of the product to measure the results. Now you have to keep in mind that one of the factors that does affect the readings of the pulse oximeter is nail polish. Nail polish has a profound effect because it gets in the way of the infrared light functioning properly and thus the readings are skewed. So it’s a good idea not to wear the polish when using the device.


I am lying down and getting an faulty reading from my Pulse Oximeter


One of the most common complaints that come about is the fact that a person is lying down on their bed and have placed their finger inside pulse oximeter and they tend to get faulty readings. The reason for this is the fact that when you are lying down your hand is held upward and thus the blood due to gravity is actually moving away from your finger. If you keep your hand like that long enough you will actually start to feel that your hand has gone to sleep. Because of this lack of blood in the region the oxygen saturation that is typically measure by way of the pulse oximeter can not be properly measured. Now you may be asking how in particular does the device measure the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation that it is so easily effected by holding your arm the wrong way.


The way the product works is actually that once you place your finger inside it there is an automatic function that begins to quickly measure your pulse rate and SpO2 levels. It does this by shooting a non-invasive beam of light through our finger which reflects of the hemoglobin and comes back to the central computer of the device for computation of the outputs. The outputs are the readings that individuals with various health conditions actually depend on for their wellness and health monitoring. So it is good practice to actually keep your hand and arm horizontal with the ground so as to get a good distribution of blood to that particular part of your body. Once you do this you will see that your readings will be back at normal levels and you will be able to assess your health more accurately. It is not a big issue but it is just a very common issue that has a very easy fix.


How does monitoring your pulse rate with a Pulse Oximeter help you to lose weight


Losing weight is probably one of the most challenging things that individuals try to do in their lifetimes The reason for this is that we live in a society that makes it so difficult to shed pounds and the reason for this is because we tend to watch a lot of television and eat junk food. One of the most recommended ways of losing weight is to actually exercise. But professionals tend to say that you are really not exercising properly unless you have elevated your heart beat for at least 15 minutes in order for it to quality as proper exercise. Some individuals think that if they just walk in a normal speed for hours then they are getting good exercise. Well, they may be getting some form of activity but they are not getting the best they could.


A device that helps greatly in measuring the pulse rate of individuals seeking to lose weight is a pulse oximeter. The device is very small and portable and in reality only is a fraction of the size of a common cell phone. So what this means is that you can take it with you wherever that you desire without having to worry about it being too large or bulky to move. The pulse oximeter is powered by a set of batteries that will give you long lasting power source during those exercise regiments. They are also known to be extremely durable and able to withstand many different types of climates and living conditions. So if you decide that you would like to exercise in some extreme winter condition outside you can rest assured that your product will last you the entire time without a glitch in performance. Their power source is by way of a battery that you can also opt to get a rechargeable batter to save extra money and be more environmentally friendly.


Purchasing a Pulse Oximeter for someone else and what to look for


A pulse oximeter can be a very good gift to actually give someone that you care about. The device is made to measure the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of an individual. Who would in particular want to use this device for themselves? Well the answer to this question actually is that there is countless number of individuals with different health conditions and even individuals with no health conditions at all that would greatly like to use the product. One of the most common health conditions that does in fact use it is actually asthma patients. Asthma is quite common and living with the condition is very difficult and tough to endure. One of the things that needs to occur is that the oxygen levels of these individuals needs to be monitored in order t ensure that the body is getting enough oxygen.


Should the situation occur that the body is not getting enough oxygen then what the person has to resort to is supplemental oxygen or otherwise they will actually experience an asthma attack. So in a way the pulse oximeter is a preventative tool that can be used to prevent you from experiencing an asthma attack. What you want to look for is to make sure that the pulse oximeter you want to purchase is actually FDA approved. This is important because it provides the first wave of assurance that it has passed regulatory muster for it to qualify to be sold as a medical device to individuals. The second thing you need to look for is whether you need to purchase an adult device or a pediatric device. This is important because children will not be able to get accurate readings from the adult models due to their small fingers. As such, once you make this decision you will be ready to purchase the device for someone that you care about.






Can runners use a pulse oximeter during a run?


So many runners have asked whether they can actually use a pulse oximeter while they are running to monitor their health. The answer to this question is a resounding yes. The modern pulse oximeter devices are made to be portable as well as durable thus being able to withstand many different environments and delivering the results that are needed by performance runners. The device is a medical and health device that measures the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of an individual within seconds. All you need to do is place your finger inside the mechanism and then before you know it you get your vital signs measures. Based on those results you can determine if you are functioning at optimal health or not. Being small and portable is especially helpful to runners because they can take it with them wherever they want to go.


The reason why runners would need to actually is a pulse oximeter is because they may want to keep tabs on their pulse rate during exercise or to even see if they are getting enough oxygen when they are exercising. By using the device during their exercise then all they do is take out the small product and insert their finger in it. This can all occur while the person is still running without actually disrupting the whole process. Once this is done then the next thing that they can do is either keep it on for continuous readings or to put it back. If they opt to use the lanyard then the great thing is that it can just hang around either the wrist or the neck thus allowing for easy access for measurements. Being small and portable is such a factor for these individuals and is truly a great health tool for runners.


Talks of a wireless Pulse Oximeter device that uses Bluetooth technology


Bluetooth seems to be such a hot topic in the technology realm due to its applications in wireless devices including cellphones. Well, now there seems to be another device that may become Bluetooth capable very soon. That device is actually a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a very standard health and medical product that has gone through several transformations through the various years. This in fact is due to the advancement in chip technology that has allowed the device to become smaller and more effective because now individuals with various health conditions can take the device with them wherever that they want to go. Also, the portability factor has played a great role for athletes as they can monitor their pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation when they are exercising to fully optimize their body’s health. It really acts as a travel mate that can give you instant access to your vital signs to determine if you are functioning at optimal health or if further action nees to be taken.


The way that Bluetooth technology will be incorporated into a pulse oximeter is that what essentially will happen is that you purchase the device and measure your vital signs wherever you go. So lets say for example you are on a trip in Europe and you just happen to have your device with you. All you do is that you place your finger inside the medical product and then that transmits the data and the readings to your physician’s computer in his office. Your physician will then be able to determine based on those readings whether you are at normal levels as far as your pulse rate and oxygen levels or whether there is cause for concern and something needs to be done to bring you back to health.  


Pulse Oximeter devices and what to expect in the future


Although pulse oximeter devices have gone through many transformations through the years there still remains many exciting new changes that will be coming to the device. One of the major changes that will be coming is the way that the device can wirelessly communicate with the physician’s computer system in his office to monitor your health. This is in development but will most likely utilize such technology as Bluetooth in order to be able to transmit that data to the physician’s computer. Why would this be beneficial you may be asking? Well, imagine that you are on a trip away from home and far from your physician who monitors you on a daily basis. Also, imagine that you are suffering from COPD and that it is imperative that you measure your blood oxygen saturation or SpO2 on a daily basis. Well, when you are on vacation all you need to do is simply place your finger inside the pulse oximeter and that data is automatically routed to your doctor for analysis.


If you doctor sees that the pulse oximeter readings are not normal or something that is cause for concern then they can make their professional recommendation as what you should do. It will be in essence as if your doctor is with you the entire time wherever you go and keeping an eye on your health. The other advancements that are coming is actually the ability to use hologram images for the readings of the devices. These hologram images will allow for much easier use and reading of the product and thus improve the overall experience of the device. So it really would not matter what lighting situation or environment you are in you can easily read the screen and interpret the results in order to monitor your health.

How to lose weight with a Pulse Oximeter in the home setting


It has long been thought of that an effective exercise regiment in order to lose weight is to have an elevated pulse rate for at least fifteen minutes. The actual elevated pulse rate really depends on the age of an individual and is something that is recommended by the physician. To lose weight thus you have to work out and exercise for at least fifteen minutes but at an elevated pulse rate and this requires a health device that can help you measure your pulse. The device is actually a pulse oximeter which has been used for decades as a perfect device to use in conjunction with the desire to shed some pounds. What happens is that ask you start to exercise you place your finger inside the product and within seconds you get a reading of your rate as well as your blood oxygen saturation. That rate given by the pulse oximeter that you get actually is what can help you monitor your fitness level to ensure that you are operating at an optimal level.


Many times individuals do not understand the actual importance of elevating the pulse in order to get the proper workout regiment. It really does not count unless you are actually at a level where the body is burning the right amount of calories at the right level. The pulse oximeter is great because it is actually very portable and small. It really is just the size of a very small phone device and what that means is that you can take it with you wherever that you need to go. It is powered with the use of a battery that you can actually opt to use as a rechargeable batter if you wanted in order to get a better usage and savings from using the rechargeable kinds.


Nintendo plans to bring out a new peripheral device as a Pulse Oximeter


Nintendo is by far the most popular and widely used gaming system in the entire world. They truly lead the way in the innovation when it comes to gaming systems and devices. Their fans always desired a device that would be able to measure the pulse rate and the oxygen levels of the individuals during their game play. This can primarily come into use in games that involve fitness and health games where the individual is exercising or engaging in fitness activities that they would need to measure their pulse rate and oxygen levels in order to assess their health. Nintendo has now turned to utilizing the technology known as a pulse oximeter as its next innovation in the gaming world. A pulse oximeter has always been a device that was typically found in the hospital and clinical setting that was used as a means of monitoring the vital signs of individuals.


The reason why Nintendo did not use the pulse oximeter technology previously is because actually it had not caught up to the mobility and portability that is needed to be incorporated with the gaming device. The previous generations were bulky and large devices that were not mobile and could not be moved around very easily. However, near the early nineties the devices changed and the chips became much faster and smaller thus allowing for mobile computing. It was at that point that the game manufacturers saw the potential to incorporate the pulse oximeter device into their systems. Although it is not out yet in the general market for purchase however it is in the final stages of production and you should be able to see some news and releases very soon in the marketplace. The individuals most excited are those who are awaiting its release for the Wii exercise games as it would be great to measure the heart beat and oxygen levels while you work out on your Wii system.


Wii Sports may get a new addition by way of a Pulse Oximeter


Wii sports is the best selling game unit in the history of modern gaming systems. It has sold an estimated of 65 million units and has yet to slow down in sales. What the fans of the device always desired was the ability to measure their pulse rate and oxygen levels during the game in order to monitor their fitness levels. However, this technology really as not available until the advent of the new portable pulse oximeter devices that have hit the market. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is so well suited for measuring the pulse rate and the oxygen levels of individuals within seconds. So why didn’t they use this device previously with the Wii systems? The reason was that the pulse oximeter had not become portable in the sense that it could be made small enough to actually be used in the home setting. This changed however with the introduction of new chip technology that transformed the device completely.


The modern pulse oximeter systems are extremely portable and small. As far as their size you can actually liken it to the size of a very small pager. As a result you can take it with you wherever that you need to go in order to monitor your health. The Wii sports users may be able to use the device in conjunction with their gaming system as a health monitoring mechanism so that they can track their health as they exercise. Actually, one of the important functions that the device serves is that if the individual using the game has a health condition namely a cardiac or respiratory illness, the pulse ox can actually help to ensure that they do not overextend themselves to the point of damaging their health without their direct intention to do so.


What is hypopnea and how can it be monitored with the use of a Pulse Oximeter


You have probably heard of sleep apnea in one way or another. Either you have heard about it on television or you or someone that you know actually suffers from this condition. What happens in sleep apnea is that during sleep the individual ceases to actually breathe for a period of time and as such there is no air flow into the body. What this means is that the body is not getting enough oxygen and as a result there could be damage done to the person’s health. On the other spectrum is actually a condition that we call hypopnea. Hypopnea is a respiratory condition where the body does take in some oxygen by way of breathing during sleep but it is at a really low and minimal level. What makes it particularly hard to detect is the fact that you will have no recollection of actually ceasing to breathe or even low oxygen intake when you are sleeping. Thus a device was needed to monitor hypopnea and the oxygen levels during sleep. This came by way of a pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is a health and medical that is particularly suited and used for hypopnea. The way the device works is that it actually measures the oxygen levels of the individual during their sleep and records the data on its memory system. The next day the individual can take their readings to their physician or sleep apnea specialist in order to get a professional analysis of whether they actually are suffering from the health condition. The pulse oximeter is a device that may be a bit difficult to actually find and the best place to find them is actually online. The reason for this is that the best prices are offered online and the best selection as well. The whole experience is very easy because you simply order online and within a few days you have your device right at your door without ever having to leave your home.


Dentists turn to using a Pulse Oximeter to monitor patients during procedures


Dentists have long ignored the importance of monitoring the vital signs of patients while they are actually in the dental operating room. The reason for this is that they have always thought that the monitoring of the pulse rate and oxygen levels is something that should be reserved for the physicians who actually would use that data in order to determine if there is something wrong with the health of a particular patient. However, there are individuals of all sorts of ages and health conditions that actually go in the dentist’s room for anything ranging from routine dental work to more complex procedures. There have been many occasions where these individuals have suffered either a cardiac attack or some sort of respiratory condition while in the dentist chair and the dentists really had no way of actually knowing that this was going to happen. Well, today dentists turn to the use of a pulse oximeter to help.


A pulse oximeter is a health device that is used to measure pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with accuracy and ease. The way the device works is that you simply place your finger inside the pulse oximeter device and within seconds you get a reading of the pulse rate and oxygen levels. The dentist can simply have the patient sit in the chair and begin his usual procedure. At the same time he can have the patient place her finger inside the pulse oximeter and during the entire course of the process if anything becomes unusual with the pulse rate or oxygen levels of the individual then an alarm will begin to sound which in turn alerts the dentist that something is not normal and special attention needs to be given. The device is very small and really does not get in the way of the person using it and is very portable and cost effective as well.


Alarm function in a Pulse Oximeter saves lives


A pulse oximeter has long been the most preferred device of individuals living with various cardiac and respiratory conditions. One of the most common cardiac conditions is actually heart arrhythmia. This condition occurs when the heart beat actually beats at an abnormal rate and as a result can cause many detrimental effects to the body. Individuals living with this health condition use a pulse oximeter to monitor their pulse rate in order to monitor whether they are experiencing heart arrhythmia. The way that it works is that the individual places their finger inside the device and within seconds they get the reading of the heart beat. Well that reading is in fact a continuous reading that can be left to continuously read the rate throughout the day. The most important function of the pulse oximeter is actually the alarm function that has truly saved so many lives of individuals that suffer from this health condition.


The alarm function of the pulse oximeter immediately begins to work when the heart rate of the individual falls below or goes above a normal rate. Without a way of letting the person know that they are not operating at optimal healthy levels they really would have no way of telling and as such they may actually experience severe health consequences that could have been so easily avoided with the use of the device. The product is actually quite portable and small which lends to its usefulness for daily use. Because it is highly portable and very small you can take it wherever you want to go and have that alarm function right at your fingertips which will help to possibly save your life. The power source is a battery that you can opt to turn into a rechargeable battery so that you can be more environmentally friendly.


How does my nail polish affect my Pulse Oximeter readings


Nail polish is one of the factors that has a profound effect on the pulse oximeter readings of individuals. The reason why this is is because of the way the device actually works. Essentially the individual has to place their finger inside the pulse oximeter device in order to get their pulse rate and oxygen level readings for healthy monitoring. Once the finger is placed inside the device a beam of infrared light passes through the finger and based on the percentage of light that passes through the device computer computes that actual readings for the heart beat and the oxygen levels.  If you are using nail polish what this does is that it affects the amount of light that actually passes through you finger and as a result you will get very abnormal readings due to the fact that the light that passed through was not the natural amount that typically would go through.


One of the ways to prevent this is very simple and involves not wearing any polish when you are going to use the device. There are pulse oximeter devices in the works that will be able to overcome this obstacle and still give you the vital sign readings without error, but they are still in development and more time is needed for them. As of now the only way is to actually not use any until the newer models come out that can be able to withstand the polish factor. However you have to remember that pulse oximeter devices are normally very accurate and it is mainly because of this factor that they tend to not get normal readings for individuals. One of the other things that you can do is actually try to find a polish that actually still allows the device to function properly as not all of them prevent accurate readings.



How does my physician help monitor my health with a Pulse Oximeter


A pulse oximeter has long been touted by physicians as a must have medical device that is needed to monitor the pulse rate and oxygen levels of individuals wherever they are. The device has actually changed dramatically over the last decade because it has been transformed from something that was not very portable to a medical device that is completely wireless and portable now. The pulse oximeter works in a very technical way but its application to daily life is very simple. In essence, what the individual does is that they place their finger inside the device which is only a fraction of the size of a typical cellular phone. Once their finger is inside the device then they will get a reading of their pulse rate and oxygen levels within seconds. This reading is actually continuous so if you begin to run or sit down the increase or decrease in blood flow throughout your body will be reflected by the device.


What the physician does is that he recommends buying the pulse oximeter for home monitoring needs. Once the individual monitors themselves at home they can call the physician with their readings and the doctor will be able to determine if they person is functioning at optimal health or whether there is a need for concern. The device is very portable and can be taken anywhere that you need to go because it is powered by a set of triple A batteries that you can actually opt to purchase the rechargeable kind if you desire. Many years ago the medical devices went through a transformation in that they became much smaller through the invention of new technology that allowed them to get mobile and able to be manufactured in the fraction of the size of previous models as they were in the past.


Pulse Oximeter is the best gift to someone in need of health monitoring


Individuals suffer from so many different health conditions in today’s world that it is a great idea to give the gift of health monitoring to a loved one. Two of the most common health conditions are actually cardiac and respiratory conditions that seem to be quite prevalent in today’s society. Both of these health conditions are actually monitored with the use of a pulse oximeter device. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is used to measure the pulse rate and oxygen levels of individuals in need of monitoring these vital signs for optimal health. The most common respiratory condition is actually asthma. Asthma occurs when the lungs are not able to take in enough oxygen and thus the body lacks adequate amounts in order to function properly. There was always needed a medical device that could be used to monitor this and such a device is perfect way of helping. If at anytime your body is not getting enough O2 then the device will begin to sound an alarm and as such you may need supplemental oxygen.


The most common cardiac condition is actually heart arrhythmia that is also kept an eye on with the use of a pulse oximeter. Heart arrhythmia occurs when the heart beat actually beats at an abnormal rhythm and as such there is not consistent bloodflow through the entire body. This can have devastating health effects throughout the body and it needs to be watched and should it occur there should be immediate medical help seeked. One of the best places to actually find this product in order to give it as a gift is online. The reason for that is that the online market offers the best prices as they do not need to deal with the overhead costs of regular stores and is the most convenient because you never have to leave your home to get your product.


Does a Pulse Oximeter actually work underwater for scuba diving purposes


Scuba divers have always wanted a health device that they can take with them when they go scuba diving in order to monitor their oxygen levels. The reason it is important to do this is actually because they are operating at such depths that oxygen is at a scarcity. As such, it is critically important t ensure that they are getting enough O2 that their body is not at risk of hypoxia. Hypoxia refers to a medical condition that occurs when the body does not get enough O2 in the system and as such the tissue may begin to die. A pulse oximeter is actually a great device that can help monitor this health condition for scuba divers. A pulse oximeter has been around for decades but its use as a portable medical device has only come about as of the past decade.


Now the question is whether a pulse oximeter can actually be used underwater with the diver. The answer to this question is that the person would need to put the device within a contraption that would shield it from water as that would damage the computer. If they are able to shield it from the water then they can actually use it underwater. Divers actually like the device because it is very small and portable and they can take it with them wherever they want without having to worry about the fact that it may become a hassle to transport with them. These pulse oximeter devices were never portable and actually were only found in the hospital settings. But with the advent of new chip technology they were transformed to something completely mobile and that can be taken anywhere that the person desired to go while still monitoring their health to ensure that they are functioning at optimal levels. 

How does nail polish affect the readings of a pulse oximeter


It has long been a confusion among users of pulse oximeter devices about the fact that nail polish affects the actual readings of the device. The way to really answer this is actually to look at how a pulse oximeter actually functions. Essentially the device works by utilizing an infrared light that passes through the skin of the person’s finger who is using the device. That light goes through the skin and actually has a different response depending on the hemoglobin that is present in the tissue. Essentially hemoglobin is what makes up the blood and it absorbs light at a different frequency than other types of systems in the blood. As such the light that passes through the finger bounces off that system and the other part of the light passes through the finger. This in turn will give the reading of the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation.


When nail polish is used and then a pulse oximeter device is used what happens is that the nail polish in essence blocks the infrared light from passing through the finger. So what this means is that the computer that is in the oximeter will not be able to compute properly the percentage of light that passed through and the percentage of light that actually came back to the device. It is often times recommended that individuals not wear nail polish when they are going to use the product. This is good practice because you will be able to get the most amount of accuracy from the product. So if you are wearing some go ahead and remove it temporarily and begin to use your product. You will notice that the readings will start to look much more normal and within line than they looked previously when you had it on your finger.


Does the cold have any effect on the accuracy of a Pulse Oximeter


A pulse oximeter is a device that is quite durable and able to operate in very extreme temperatures. In fact its range of functioning in cold and very hot environments is really without match. Essentially what can possibly affect the readings is actually extreme cold temperatures. The reason for this is the way that the pulse oximeter actually measures the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of the individuals. Essentially it works like this: when you desire to have your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation read you place your finger inside the device and within seconds you will get a reading. As you place your finger inside the device what happens is that an infrared light passes through the skin and comes back with a reading. That reading is what the individuals with various health conditions utilize to monitor their health. With that reading they are able to assess their health and make determinations thereafter.


The way that the extreme cold may have an affect on the accuracy of the pulse oximeter has to do with the person’s own body. What happens when it is very cold is that the human body begins to conserve its energy and the heart rate actually goes down. Also, the oxygen levels of the human body begin to go down as well. So essentially if you get reading from the pulse oximeter in extreme cold you will notice that the readings will be slightly out of the normal rates and as such you will get concerned. However, this really has nothing to do with the accuracy of the device because it’s the human being’s response to the extreme cold that has affected the readings. The way to fix this is actually to try to be in a more stable environment where the body is functioning at normal levels and temperatures.


What is infrared light and how is it used in a Pulse Oximeter


Infrared light is one of the most interesting technological innovations of our time. Essentially the way it works is that it is a spectrum of light that has very important characteristics of light retention. Essentially the way that it works with a pulse oximeter is that the infrared light is the main reason for the measurement of the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of an individual. When you place your finger inside the pulse oximeter a light passes through your finger and then within seconds you get a readings of your results. Well what is happening is that the hemoglobin in your blood absorbs light at different frequencies. Some of the infrared light that is passes through the finger is actually absorbed by the hemoglobin while the other component just flows through. That component that flows through is what the device utilizes to compute the readings in order for the individual to monitor their health.


This light property has always been a component of the pulse oximeter devices. It is such a significant part of the whole operation of the device that without it it would really not function. The innovation actually came by way of some scientists that were dealing with quantum light mechanics and other scientific experiments and came across this. Its application only came to being after many years in the medical device field when it was discovered that you could use it in a medical device to measure the SpO2 levels and pulse of individuals. One of the challenges that is still left to be solved is the fact that it does not work properly when nail polish is present. This in fact is a major issue that is trying to be solved by innovators in order to allow for this to function normally.



Rechargeable batteries take their first use in a pulse oximeter


Batteries are truly the main component of portable computing that has allowed for medical devices to become so portable. Essentially the reason for this is that portability is a major factor that many individuals crave in the medical device field. We are a people always on the go and we like to go wherever we want at whatever time we want. The only way to do this is to have devices that are completely portable that can allow you to monitor your health on the go like a pulse oximeter. Well, disposable batteries were able to help in this regard in that they allowed for the devices to become completely mobile and you had no worry as to whether you really needed wires or any other types of cables. The problem was that the second that they ran out of the power you had to dispose of them in the trash. This proved to be an environmentally unfriendly act and there needed to be an innovation that would help with this.


Well what happened next was that the use of rechargeable batteries began to be incorporated in the pulse oximeter device. This had two very important effects on the actually dynamics of using the device. First, it was much more environmentally friendly than the disposable varieties. Essentially you didn’t have to throw it away everytime that it ran out. This mean that there would be much less waste in our landfills and less impact on the earth. The other benefit is actually of a financial nature. When you throw away the power source you have to keep going back to buy one. However, if it is rechargeable you can just keep charging it back up again and reusing. This meant less cost for the individual as they didn’t need to keep buying new ones and can actually use the old one over and over again for better financial gain.


How important it is to monitor weigh loss with a pulse oximeter


When you decide that you want to lose weight essentially you have taken a very big step toward wanting to get yourself to better health. There are many that actually become so eager to lose weight that they lose sight of the fact that you need to lose it in a very healthy manner or otherwise you will be doing damage to your body. The reason why I say this is the fact that when you are looking to shed pounds you are restricting your body to what it has been used to receiving in other words calories and energy. If you suddenly cut this off and engage in extreme exercise your body will not be able to withstand the sudden impact and you may actually experience some health issues. A great way to monitor your health during this process is to use a pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is used by millions in order to monitor their health as they are wanting to shed the weight. The process works very simple manner and essentially all you have to do is place your finger inside the device and within seconds you get a reading of your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation which in turn will give you an overall reading of your health. By looking at those readings you can determine if your body is functioning at the proper and normal levels. The pulse oximeter is actually equipped with an alarm function that will alert the individual whenever their readings go into abnormal levels and as such you can take the appropriate measures to remediate the situation. One of the greatest things about the medical device is that it is extremely portable. So if you are exercising you can just have it around your neck where you can monitor your health that way.


Why would I need to monitor my pulse rate with a Pulse Oximeter when running


Individual run for different purposes and the one thing that is a common thread among them is the fact that running is an extremely enjoyable thing to them. One of the things that sets running apart from other forms of exercise is the fact that it has a huge impact on the actual functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system. When you begin to run you are essentially elevating your body’s heart system into a whole new realm. Your heart need’s to work extra hard in order to get enough oxygen-rich blood to your different tissues and muscles systems throughout your body in order for your whole system to function. Well the issue comes when one exercises to intensively and does not actually realize that they are doing harm to themselves. A great way to monitor this would be to use a pulse oximeter as an aide.


A pulse oximeter is a health device that is used by many runners today in order to monitor their health. The device works very well for these individuals because it is in a sense a travel-mate that truly gives them a piece of mind as to whether they are functioning at normal levels. So how does it work? Essentially the runner just places their finger inside the pulse oximeter and within seconds they get a complete reading of their pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation without ever having to be hooked up to some large machine. Once they get that reading from the device they can determine if they are actually functioning at normal levels and thus they can continue the rate of their exercise. The most important aspect of the device is that it is completely portable and can be taken anywhere the person wants to go. So if you are running in the mountains or by the beach it does not matter as you have our pulse oximeter in your hand to help you whenever you need it.


Getting the early warning signs of asthma with a pulse oximeter


One of the earliest ways of telling if you have asthma is to in fact use a pulse oximeter to see what you oxygen levels are. Asthma is one of the most common health conditions that is out there in our world. It essentially works in that it prevents the body from taking in enough oxygen and as such can have some major health effects on the overall system. Oxygen is extremely important to proper functioning and without it you can not be able to really live a health life. The early symptoms of asthma are actually a shortness of breath at various times of the day. By using a pulse oximeter you can actually monitor the oxygen levels in your system in order to see if you are really suffering from the asthma. A pulse oximeter is something that is definitely not new but it is very useful for these individuals suffering from this health condition.


The modern pulse oximeter devices have truly changed the landscape of medical device technology as they relate to asthma. In the past there really was no other way of getting the oxygen levels in the blood in order to determine if you are getting enough in your body. The reason for this was actually the technology and its inability to catch up with the mobile nature of our lives. We are always on the move and the go thus it was necessary to have a medical device that could also withstand this and be able to go with us wherever we wanted to go. It was the advent of new chip technology that changed everything and actually allowed these individuals to monitor their asthma wherever they wanted to go without worrying that they are far away from their healthcare professional and can not be able to utilize the devices.


What is a pulse oximeter case made of to ensure durability


The number one benefit that many individuals seem to rave about when it comes to a pulse oximeter is actually the mobility of the device. However, this mobility is also important to have the durability accompany it as well. As you take the device everywhere you may run into situations where you actually drop the product by accident. Well it is important that the pulse oximeter device be durable in the sense that it can withstand that drop. The way that manufacturers dealt with this was that they began to use specialized plastics as the exterior shell of the device in order to provide that durability that was needed. You may be asking why is it so important that the device be protected when it is accidently dropped. Well the answer to this question lies in the fact that the pulse oximeter essentially is a computer and to drop it would cause so many internal components to malfunction that can then cause the readings to suffer.


Imagine that you are traveling to your favor destination in the world and you have been looking forward to this trip for so long. Well, what happens is that when you go on this vacation you really do no know what obstacles you will face but you know that for sure you need to monitor you health as you. There are many individuals with so many different health conditions in the world that require them to have a close eye on their body’s vital signs as they travel. This can range from anything like cardiac issues to respiratory issues. One of the most common is actually asthma which is something that if you live with the condition you know that it is very important to keep an eye on your SpO2 levels in order to prevent an asthma attack. Well having a pulse oximeter that is sturdy and able to withstand drops is key to enable the person to not worry about damaging their device when they are on the go.


What is the best way of disposing of a pulse oximeter when it is no longer needed


Our entire nation has started to become more environmentally conscious with the advent of the Obama administration. The reason for this is that the impact that we have on the environment is at catastrophic levels. One of the major issues that contributes to this is actually the disposal of a pulse oximeter when you are no longer needed to use it. A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is used by millions of individuals to monitor their health. The device in particular is key to monitoring the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of individuals with varying health conditions. The issue that always came up was what would happen when the device is no longer needed and you want to get rid of it. Or on the other hand the device is no longer functioning properly and you want to throw it away. Well the problem with that is the fact that the device has certain components that are particularly bad for the environment including the batteries that have mercury.


The best way of dealing with this issue of disposing of the pulse oximeter is to check with the manufacturer if they have some sort of recycling program when it comes to the device. Essentially the way that this works is that these manufacturers have certain programs that incorporate special disposal methods in order to have as little impact on the environment as possible. They run these programs in conjunction with government agencies and as such they are very well equipped to deal with the situation. Many times if you just simply call them and tell them that you no longer desire to have the device they will be able to give you direction as far as what you do to get the product back to them for disposal.


I am just not getting a normal reading with my Pulse Oximeter


Have you ever purchased a pulse oximeter and then start to use it only to find out that you are getting really abnormal readings? Well you are not alone so do not worry about this as it is very common. There are so many different factors that actually come into play when determining why is it that your readings are abnormal. I will be sharing with you some of the most common occurrences that may be giving you these false readings. One of the most common is actually the use of nail polish that may have a profound effect on the actual accuracy of the pulse oximeter. The infrared light that passes through the finger when it is placed inside the device seems to not work properly when there is nail polish present. The reason for this is that the light can not pass through the finger properly and thus the internal computer is not able to process the readings properly and you get unusual vital signs.


The other issue that is quite common among individuals is the fact that the way that you hold the pulse oximeter when your finger is inside of it is very important to the reading. If you hold your arm vertically in the air and your index finger is held straight upward essentially pointing to the sky then you will have issues. The reason for this is that when you hold your finger upward to the sky the blood does not get to that portion of your body properly and as such the pulse oximeter can not process the results in an accurate manner. The thing that is suggested is that you have your hand on a horizontal plane whereby then you can use the product. You will suddenly notice a change in the results and in fact this is the practice that should be followed by everyone. 

Pulse Oximeter use in the home

Pulse oximeter technology is very new to the world of home patient monitoring. Many individuals typically associate an oximeter as something that has been reserved for the hospital or clinical setting. If you have ever been to a doctor’s office you will have seen an oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that measures pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2). It is widely used in all hospitals, clinics and all health care facilities. But new technology now ensures that the terrific vital sign monitoring of oximeter technology can be used in the home setting. There are many individuals that have varied health issues. Many health conditions or health issues require vital sign monitoring including pulse rate, blood oxygen saturation as well as perfusion index. Previously, individuals in need of monitoring of these conditions especially the close monitoring of pulse rate and SpO2 needed to constantly go to their doctors or hospital. However, now the new pulse ox technology allows individuals t go wherever they like to monitor their health.

How does a Pulse Oximeter work? The process of how a pulse oximeter works is simple yet complicated at the same time. Essentially, the device utilizes a infrared technology which beams an infrared light through the patient’s finger. The infrared light is able to measure the pulsation in the blood as well as the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin. As blood volume increases and decreases in the tissues of the human body as the heart beats, the device is able to detect the pulsating nature of blood flow to produce the pulse rate number as well as the SpO2 levels. The devices come in many different varieties including adult, pediatric as well as neonatal varieties. The pediatric models are manufactured in such a way to fit the small fingers of a child. The tighter the fit of the device the more accurate the readings that are produced. If an adult device is used on the child then the readings will not be accurate as the fit will not be tight and thus there will be irregular or erratic oximeter readings. In further, neonatal devices are further made smaller to fit the especially small and compact fingers of neonates and infants. Infants are a particularly complex subject to measure their vital signs. Because of their extremely small anatomy it is very important to utilize a neonatal oximeter that is specially made for infants. This will ensure that the readings are accurate and consistent without any erratic or inaccurate readings.

The next question is where you can find these devices. There are many devices out there on the market however it is very important to distinguish between those that are not FDA approved and those that are FDA approved. This is very important as you should only purchase a pulse oximeter that is FDA approved. The next step is to determine what type of pulse oximeter will you be needing (adult or pediatric?). Obviously you can determine this if you have a child with special health condition in need of the device.

Pulse Oximeter products purchased online for home monitoring

There is really no better place than online to purchase a new pulse oximeter for home monitoring. The reason for this is that the online market not only offers the most affordable option but also it is the most convenient. The reason why it’s the most affordable option is because the online merchants are able to reduce their cost as they have no retail location with high overhead and thus they can sell to customers at wholesale prices. This is very important because individuals truly can afford their pulse oximeter technology without having to experience financial hardship in order to afford a pulse oximeter.

The other benefit of purchasing a pulse oximeter online is because of the convenience factor. There is no need to go to an actual store and have to deal with the long lines and other issues that come about when you have to physically go to a store. The current online sites that sell pulse oximeter technology are able to give you all the detail you need to determine whether the product is right for you. They also provide all of the technical specifications so that you can determine which pulse oximeter is right for you. Then the whole buying process is actually quite simple whereby you simply choose the pulse oximeter product you want and then pay with a credit card and receive your product in a couple of days. It is truly a great way to purchase a Pulse Oximeter for home monitoring by buying it online.

Pulse Oximeter used for Pediatric Children home monitoring solutions.

There quite a few medical and health ailments that children face today in our society. Some of these are cardiac and lung health conditions that require very close monitoring and supervision by not only physicians and health care professionals but also parents. One of these conditions in particular is child asthma. Asthma is a physical condition where the child does not get enough oxygen in their system. This in fact will trigger an asthma attack that can have detrimental effects on their health. Parents in particular have also been looking for a device that help them monitor their children’s health and asthma to ensure that they are getting enough oxygen in their system. Such a device a pulse oximeter device that can be used to monitor asthma.

The parents can simply use the Pulse Oximeter in order to monitor the oxygen levels of their children wherever the children go. Children are quite active so the ability to monitor their oxygen levels while on the go is very important to parents. If for example the child is playing on the playground or engaging in sports for little league, the parents can always have the pulse oximeter with them to monitor the health and oxygen levels of the child with asthma. This truly gives parents the piece of mind and power to monitor their children to ensure that they do not get an asthma attack. The pulse oximeter products are also made specifically for children as they are made to fit their small fingers.

Skiing while using a Pulse Oximeter to measure oxygen levels at high altitudes

Skiing is one of the most popular and favorite hobbies of sport individuals in our culture. Because these individuals operate at very high altitudes it is very important to them that they constantly monitor their oxygen levels in order to ensure that they are getting enough oxygen. When going to extreme altitudes in order to go skiing the oxygen levels at that height is very low. Those with health conditions that require constant flow of oxygen including asthma and COPD individuals need to be very cognizant of their oxygen levels in order to ensure that they are getting enough oxygen. A Pulse Oximeter is a perfect device for these individuals in order to monitor their oxygen levels while skiing at high altitudes.

Those with asthma have to constantly monitor their oxygen levels in order to ensure that they do not get an asthma attack. An asthma attack occurs when not enough oxygen is taken in by the lungs and as such the body can have a very negative reaction to the lack oxygen. A pulse oximeter can help these individuals with asthma when they desire to go skiing at high altitudes. The device is small enough to fit inside their pockets and it will actually make an alarm noise to alert the skier that they actually are not getting enough oxygen and that they make be at risk of getting an asthma attack. The device is also powered by battery and it is very portable so that the skier can take it wherever they like to go.

Cardiac conditions monitored by Pulse Oximeter devices

Individuals living with cardiac problems now can rest assured that they can monitor their health with a Pulse Oximeter. These cardiac problems range greatly and one of the most common conditions is heart arrhythmia. This condition occurs when the pulse rate actually occurs at an abnormal rate. Because the pulse is such an important vital sign it is truly the key to life. Those with heart arrhythmia need to monitor their heart pulse rate wherever they are in order to determine whether their heart is functioning properly with a normal pulse rate. A device that can be used to monitor heart arrhythmia is a pulse oximeter.

Those who live with heart arrhythmia can take their pulse oximeter with them wherever they go. So lets say for example these individuals desire to go on vacation to Europe. They can easily take the device with them and monitor their pulse rate wherever they go. This truly puts the power of vital sign monitoring in their hands in order to allow them to enjoy their lives without the fear that they would not be able to monitor their vital signs on the go. The device is very small and actually can fit inside their pocket. By being powered by batteries means that it is portable and thus can be taken with the individual without the need for any wires or electric outlets. When monitoring one’s self you can quickly get a reading of the SpO2 and pulse rate numbers and thus you are able to determine whether your heart is functioning at optimal level.

Pulse Oximeter use by athletes during exercise

Athletes are truly individuals that devote their life for the wellness of their bodies and their health. They strive ever so hard in order to reach new heights of physical wellness and stamina. However, one of the problems that arises is the fact that athletes do not stop to measure their vital signs during extreme or intense exercise. This is critically important as many injuries or even life threatening injuries occur to absolutely healthy adults in situations of intense exercise due to the fact that the athletes didn’t take the time to measure their vital signs in order to determine whether they are at a stable and healthy level. For example, the individual may be on the treadmill exercising and preparing for a local marathon. They may determine that today might be the day that they need to especially increase the intensity of the exercise in order to meet certain thresholds of health and fitness in order to get ready for the marathon. Unfortunately what the athlete doesn’t realize that pushing one’s body to such an extreme may have serious health side effects and complications if the body’s response to such exercise is not monitored closely. One big issue is that the athlete is not in anyway monitoring their vital signs such as pulse rate and oxygen level. Pulse rate is in essence one of the most basic yet important vital signs that needs to be monitored in individuals. The pulse rate truly gives health professionals an indication of a specific level of health of individuals. A great device to use in order to monitor yourself during intense exercise is the use of a Pulse Oximeter. 

A pulse oximeter is a health device that is used to measure pulse rate as well as blood oxygen saturation (SpO2). The oximeter utilizes infrared light that passes through the person’s skin and comes back with a measurement of the pulse rate. Due to the fact that the blood-flow comes in and out of the tissues at differing levels then oximeter uses the infrared light to measure such differences and in turn comes back with a number which designates the pulse rate. On the other hand, blood oxygen saturation or SpO2 is representative of the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin or blood in your blood. This is an extremely important vital sign to not only monitor but also take care that it doesn’t fall below unhealthy levels. The pulse oximeter instantly measures the blood oxygen saturation and reports back a number which will allow you to gauge whether you are at healthy levels or not. What athletes can do is quite innovative not only in the field of sports but also technology. The new generation of pulse oximeters are very small and portable. They are smaller than the size of the smallest cell phone on the market today and as such can be taken by the athlete where they desire to go. The athlete simply takes out the oximeter during exercise and by inserting their finger inside the device they can noninvasively get their pulse rate as well as Sp02 levels. 

Pulse Oximeter used in emergency response systems

Emergency response health care professionals serve one of the most important functions in our society. They are there when we most need them and at our most critical time of health. Emergency response technicians are the individuals that care for you during your time that you have to quickly get to the hospital for treatment. Also they are the individuals that are there for you to treat you during an emergency such as a house fire or some sort of gas poisoning. These individuals have always been needing to carry around large and heavy vital sign monitoring devices to measure the victim’s vital signs in order to determine immediate life saving treatment. One new device that has had a true innovative impact on the emergency response care arena is the use of a Pulse Oximeter.

Pulse Oximeter used by scuba divers to monitor their oxygen

Scuba diving is a sport that many individuals truly love and enjoy. The ability to see underwater worlds and the solitude that can be experienced is truly an enjoyment to those individuals that enjoy the sport. However, one of the most important things to do in scuba diving is to monitor the oxygen of individuals engaged in the sport. The reason oxygen is particularly important to measure in these situations is because of a potential issue that can occur which is hypoxia. Hypoxia represents a lack of oxygen in specific tissues in the human body. Due to the lack of oxygen in a specific area of the human body the tissue may be fatally destroyed or other health conditions and issues may arise. For example, say the individual wants to go scuba diving and takes part in an 8 hour scuba diving  session whereby they are exposed to several moments of lack of oxygen. When the individual gets back to their home they may realize that they may feel as if they are light headed or have specific parts of their body that are in pain. It is extremely important for these individuals to monitor their oxygen levels to ensure that they are not in risk of hypoxia.


A great tool used by adventurers like scuba divers is the use of a Pulse Oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health device that is utilized to measure blood oxygen saturation as well as pulse rate with amazing accuracy and speed. The device also is extremely small and portable that can be taken anywhere the individual desires to take it. This is one of the most important aspects of a pulse oximeter is the fact that it is extremely portable and can be taken anywhere you desire to go. The size of an oximeter is the fraction of the size of a the smallest cell phone on the market. However, although it has a very small size on the on other hand it has such amazing capability in regards to vital sign monitoring especially pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. The oximeter uses the latest in infrared technology to monitor the SpO2 levels. The way that it works is simple in some regards however extremely technically complex in other regards. The device emits a safe infrared light that travels through the individuals skin on their finger. The infrared light can measure the differences in cells in the blood to determine a number which represents the SpO2 levels. With this type of technology the individual who engages in sports or adventurous activities can monitor their vital signs wherever they go without the need of a large or immobile vital sign monitoring machine or device. They can simply put it in their pocket and measure their vital signs on the go. Although it is important to enjoy one’s life with the activities that you truly love, however it is also important to measure and monitor your body’s response to such activities and to ensure that you are operating at optimal healthy levels. The Pulse Oximeter can be a true lifetime health companion for you as it will provide you with fast and accurate information that may save your life.

Pulse Oximeter used as a health monitoring device while walking

Walking is widely considered one of the best and most effective exercises that a person can engage in. Walking allows individuals to raise their heart rate in order to achieve a good exercise level while at the same time not engaging in any type of physical activity that may characterized as intense or that may cause some sort of injury. The elderly in particular not only enjoy walking on a daily basis but it is also recommended that they walk on a daily basis. It is typically recommended for the elderly to walk on a daily basis because like mentioned before it is a physical activity that not only is good for you but is not intensive whereby it would cause any type of serious injury.  While the individual is walking it is important to monitor your health in order to determine whether you are functioning at optimal levels. The monitoring that I am referring to is in regards to pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation (SpO2). The pulse rate is due to the fact that blood flows in and out of the tissues in the human body and different rates. This rate is what contributes to the level of pulse rate. When the blood-flow is more intense and moves in and out of the tissues faster the pulse rate thus will be faster. On the other hand, blood oxygen saturation is the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin. In other words, its the oxygen level of an individual in their blood. Both of these vital signs are very important to monitor why walking due to the fact that during walking exercises both the pulse rate and the SpO2 levels are affected and thus a portable device is necessary in order to utilize to measure these vital signs. One such device is a Pulse Oximeter.

A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that measures pulse rate and SpO2 levels with accuracy and speed. The process is very simple. You simply place your finger inside the portable pulse oximeter device and within seconds the oximeter will give you a reading of your pulse rata and SpO2 levels. The device is a fraction of the size of the smallest cell phone on the market and easily can fit in the person’s pocket without being too bulky or heavy. The benefit of utilizing a pulse oximter is the fact that you can take it with you wherever you desire to go and anytime it is necessary you simply take the oximeter out of your pocket and place your finger inside of it to get accurate readings. Previous generations of oximeters where no where close to be as portable and small as the current generation. Previously the devices were limited to hospitals and clinics and as such they were very expensive and definitely not mobile. With the advent of new technology and chips that allow for smaller devices to be built the oximeter of today are small and lightweight and can be taken anywhere that the person exercising desire to got.

Pulse Oximeter technology provides runners with portable health monitoring devices

Running is one of the most basic and effective exercises that a person can do. It requires nothing more than a pair of good running shoes and the open space to run. Those that truly enjoy and love their sport of running only understand the importance of the exercise and how you always strive to improve on yourself. However, these individuals also a lot of times are not aware of the dangerous side effects or health problems that could potentially occur if the runner is not paying attention to their vital signs. One of the biggest issues that occurs with runners is that they may over extend themselves while running and actually push their heart to dangerous levels. Their heart beat may get to points  that their heart can not handle and thus may even risk having a heart attack. However, there is a way and method to monitor the heart especially the pulse rate of runners to ensure that they are not going past what is healthy and is the limit of that specific individual. This method is by way of using a pulse oximeter.

A pulse oximeter is a health device that has been used for many years. The difference between what is being used right now in the health field as opposed to what was being used previously is the size and portability of the oximeter. Previous generations of oximeters were not only expensive but they also definitely were not portable. They were heavy and bulky and could only be placed in a patient room in a hospital or clinic without the ability to be moved. The most important aspect of a pulse oximeter is the fact that it measures pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with incredible speed and accuracy. You simply place your finger inside the pulse oximeter and within seconds a reading is created that represents your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. So how does this device relate to runners you ask? Well it is a portable vital sign monitoring device that will accurately measure the pulse rate of the runner and when the runner is exceeding healthy levels as far as pulse rate the device will sound an alarm that will alert the runner to slow down and take it a bit easier. The design of the device is made to not only be portable but also withstand the rocky environment of the area where the runner will be running. The durability of the device allows it to be used for many years to come. In addition to pulse rate, the runner can also measure their SpO2 levels in order to determine whether their body is receiving enough oxygen. The reason why this is important is because oxygen is necessary to all forms of life and it must be utilized in order for life to continue. The runner must ensure that he or she is getting enough oxygen while exercising so that no health problems occur. A pulse oximeter is truly any runner’s exercise companion wherever they decide to go.

Pulse Oximeter used in the home by children


Children are our most precious resource and their health is of the utmost importance in order to monitor and ensure that they are functioning at optimal health. One of the most common child health issues is asthma. The statistics are staggering when you look at children who are inflicted with asthma in our country. The statistics are actually worse in some countries including England where asthma rates are as high as 15% of the population. The problem with asthma and children is the fact that children like to be active and enjoy their childhood by engaging in activities that utilize a lot of physical exercise. Well because of the high level of physical activity the child may be at risk of experiencing an asthma attack and there is no way of knowing ahead of time. Parents are very much frustrating with this specific situation because they would like to know when the child not getting enough oxygen in order to prevent an asthma attack. Nowadays parents are resorting to a new home monitoring health device known as a pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is extremely useful in the case of asthma. An oximeter device measures the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of individuals. The great part of the device is that it is smaller than the size of a cell phone and thus it can be taken anywhere you want to go. That is what makes the oximeter such a powerful health device because in essence you have portable monitoring wherever you desire to go. So lets say for example your child has asthma. Well you decide to take your child to the playground for a typical outing. As your child is playing on the playground you have no idea whether he is receiving enough oxygen to determine if he is at the risk of an asthma attack. Well by taking a portable pulse oximeter with you allows you to simply take your child’s hand and place his finger inside the oximeter device. By doing this the device will instantly measure your child’s blood oxygen levels and give you an indication as to whether you child is getting enough oxygen. Should it be a situation where not enough oxygen is being receiving then you can have your child to temporarily take a break and even in more extreme cases if you have supplemental oxygen you can may need to give your child supplemental oxygen. What is very important is the fact that by using the oximeter device you have been able to monitor your child’s oxygen levels in order to determine whether he is at risk of an asthma attack. There are many different types of devices out there to choose from for your child, however it is most important to choose a device that is FDA approved and that is specifically known as a pediatric pulse oximeter. The pediatric models are specifically made for the small anatomy of children and as such will provide more accurate readings.



Pulse Oximeter finally made for those with COPD


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) is a condition that is experienced by many individuals in the country. The cause of COPD is quite varied and many different types of individuals experience this condition. The most important aspect of having and dealing with COPD includes the monitoring of the oxygen levels in the person’s blood. The reason why the oxygen levels are very important to monitor is that COPD specifically affects the lungs and causes the body’s oxygen levels to be quite eradicate. As such, it is very important to monitor the body’s oxygen levels in order to ensure that enough oxygen is being received by the body and if there is any need for supplemental oxygen. What happens typically with individuals who live with the condition is that they at times will not be getting enough oxygen in their body and as such in order to deter any negative effects of the lack of oxygen they resort to utilizing supplemental oxygen in order to prevent such problems. A device now exists which allows individuals living with this condition to have the ability to monitor their oxygen levels wherever they decide to go.  This device is known as a pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is an extremely useful medical and health device that is used by individuals living with COPD. The device is used primarily to measure not only the pulse rate but also the blood oxygen saturation of individuals. The blood oxygen saturation is especially critical to those that are living with the condition. People living with this condition have always been used to using an oximeter device when they were in the hospital or at their physician’s office. Those device in the hospital and clinical settings were very large and made specifically for that environment. They were also very expensive and only the budget of a hospital could afford such a device. However, with the advent of new chip technology that old generation of oximeter devices has been transformed to an extremely small device that is only a fraction the size of a cellphone. The great thing about such a new generation of devices is that they are able to be extremely portable and can be taken anywhere the individual living with the condition desires to go. So lets say for example you were suffering from COPD and you desired to go on a vacation. Well in the past you would always be worried that while away from home and your physician you may have a very dangerous situation where you would not be getting enough oxygen. However, by using the oximeter device you can easily monitor your condition anywhere you desire to go. So whether your at home or on the road or even overseas, your ability to monitor your oxygen levels will never fail. The other important thing that the new advent of chip technology did was that it made it extremely affordable to purchase such devices. The old devices in the hospitals and clinics were very expensive and not very affordable by the average home consumer. However, today’s devices are very affordable and still with the same level of accuracy as the old generation of devices.



What exactly is SpO2 and how is it measured by a pulse oximeter


Blood oxygen saturation or better known in the medical field as SpO2 is a very important vital sign in the health of an individual. SpO2 refers to the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin in an individual. Many health conditions require the constant and accurate monitoring of SpO2 in order to make sure that you are operating a optimal health or to prevent any other health conditions. A medical and health device that has always been used to monitor the oxygen levels in an individual is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is used to measure the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of an individual. In the past, this device was obviously reserved for the hospital and clinical settings. If you have ever been to a hospital, chances are that you have definitely been either exposed to an oximeter device or even had one used on you. It would have been that device that connects to your index finger and then on a big computer screen you see your pulse rate and other numbers go up and down. The device is absolutely critical in the medical field but the problem was always that it was only used in the medical field and never in the home environment. Many individuals living with various medical conditions have to monitor their health wherever they go. For example, those living with asthma or COPD need to monitor their oxygen levels wherever they go because it is absolutely essential to their health.


The way the pulse oximeter measures the oxygen levels of an individual is quite complicated in some respects and quite simple in other respects. The nontechnical way that the device operates and measures the vital signs is as such. By inserting your finger inside the portable device an infrared light passes through you finger. But you will actually never feel the light and will never feel any discomfort because the light is an infrared light and does not in any way affect your physically. As the light passes through your finger it also passes through the finger’s tissue and then through the blood. Hemoglobin absorbs light at different frequencies and as such the infrared light that goes through the finger bounces back to the oximeter device computer with a number that represents the oxygen levels of the body. This number means the world to people who live with conditions that require accurate monitoring of the oxygen levels in the body. Oximeter devices continue to break ground not only in the hospital setting but also the home setting as well. No longer do individuals need to be at their physician’s office or a hospital in order to take advantage of such a device to monitor their health. The newest generations of devices are not only extremely small and portable but they also are extremely affordable. So individuals living with various health conditions that are necessary to measure their oxygen levels can now use the device in the comfort of their home without ever having to worry about not monitoring their health on a continuous basis.





Pulse Oximeter teachers in the classroom to monitor children’s health


Today’s teachers are truly the holders of our children’s future and they are an integral part to the functioning of our society. Well today’s teachers even go a step further than just teaching. They are now many times required to monitor the health of the children who have special health conditions. Many children in the classroom settings in today’s educational system suffer from certain health conditions such as asthma that require monitoring and measuring their oxygen levels at all times. This can play out in the classroom setting especially during the recess. As the kids go out to play on the playground those children that have asthma really do not take into consideration that they have asthma and that physical exercise may cause them to have an asthma attack. The problem for the teachers who supervise these children on the playground is the fact that they also have no way of exactly telling if the child who is playing on the playground is getting enough oxygen. So really the only way that the supervisors and the techers really know that a child with asthma is experiencing an asthma attack is when the child is actually having one. As such there was always a need for a very easy to use and portable device that can be utilized by the teachers while supervising the children to utilize to quickly measure the blood oxygen saturation of the child with asthma to determine with the individual is getting enough oxygen to prevent an asthma attack. Such a device is now available and is known as a pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is a medical device that measures the pulse rate as well as the blood oxygen saturation of an individual The device is only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone and thus it is extremely portable. It also is very accurate and instantly gives a reading of the oxygen saturation as well as pulse rate within seconds. The device was first introduced to teachers many years ago as  a trial whereby the teachers were to have it in case a particular student with a special health condition required the monitoring of their health. However, now because of the affordability and the accuracy of these devices it is much more common for teachers to have such devices in order to monitor the health of their students. So going back to the playground and the child with asthma situation, if a teacher knows of a student that has asthma and it is recess time, then the teacher can easily carry a pulse oximeter with them and measure the child’s oxygen levels during exercise. After that the teacher determine whether the child is getting enough oxygen and if not then the teacher can opt to have the child take a break or if the condition is very severe then send the child to the nurse and eventually to the hospital if necessary. The pulse oximeter device is very useful and also extremely affordable offering the best portability that a teacher would need to monitor the health of their students.

 How to start a medical distributor business


The medical device distribution business is one of the most exciting and dynamic businesses to be involved in. The reason for this is the fact that it is a business environment that is always constantly changing. Thus there is always new products and exciting opportunities that can be utilized in order to make money. The question always comes up as to how to start such a company and also which portion of the medical device market to get involved in. The medical device market is very big and it can become very confusing and daunting when trying to decide how to enter it and also which products to start selling. One of the best places to start is actually to attend health conventions where many different manufacturers are showcasing their best products.


To attend one of these health conventions is to truly walk into the center of the medical device market. You will see first hand some of the most latest advancements of medical device products in the market. Most of these manufacturers have prepared for months to be able to manufacture and create the best products on the market and thus to try to persuade you to utilize them. As such, that is why I always recommend attending these shows as you can have a good glimpse at the medical device market and how you can actually get involved. Once you see all these products the next step is to actually decide which ones you want to sell. I always recommend selling products that you can understand and ones you believe base don your past experience will do well in the marketplace. You should always do your scope of the market in order to get a sense of what products will be successful and then after you do your initial market research you will be able to make an educated decision as to what to sell. The other part that can become difficult is actually the ability to negotiate with these manufacturers in order get the right product at the right price. The biggest hurdle is the fact that you will probably need to make a rather large purchase in order to be taken seriously by these manufacturers and thus your initial investment will have to be slightly high. However, manufacturers do differ and as such their terms will also differ. You will have to try to deal with different types of manufacturers in order to see which ones are the most willing to do business with you and are willing to give you the best terms and pricing. There is never a guarantee that these companies will be trustworthy or effective but you must truly try to deal with the ones that you feel confident with. I also suggest that you always deal with two manufacturers in order to ensure that you always have a good  backup manufacturer in the event that one no longer is in business for any reason and thus you would have protected yourself.







Pulse oximeter chosen as preferred medical device in Germany


Germany has always been recognized as a country that puts a high value on technology and in particular health and medical device technology. For years there was a true lack of a medical device that would be able to provide readings of pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation while at the same time being portable. Such a device is a pulse oximeter and is now available in Germany. There have always been previous generations of pulse oximeter products in Germany as hospitals almost certainly had these. However, those devices were quite large and bulky and were definitely not portable and not able to be taken anywhere the individuals wanted to go. Then there came several inventions and advancements in chip technology that essentially opened the door to new and portable pulse oximeter devices.


With the new advancement in chip technology the pulse oximeter market truly changed in Germany. No longer were the individuals in that country who where in need of vital sign monitoring stuck to their immobile and antedated oximeter devices. They could now use this new generation of devices that were completely portable in order to monitor their health. One of the most common health conditions in Germany is actually asthma. With the use of this device asthma can finally be monitored wherever the individual desires to go. They simply take their pulse oximeter device with them and monitor their oxygen levels to ensure that they are getting enough oxygen and thus prevent an asthma attack or other ill health effects.  Germany has always been a country that has exemplified the importance and attention to technological advancement. This is particularly evident in Germany’s dedication to the advancement of medical device equipment and supplies. Some of the first medical device products were actually first invented and manufactured in that country and then it reached the other parts of the world. Thus for this country to actually choose a medical device says a lot and thus they have been having a lot of success with its use. The actual practical uses of the device are quite varied in the country and they range from anything from hospitals, clinics, to military. What particularly they like is the fact that the device is portable in nature. This was always the issue with these brand of products because they were never portable. However, now the device is so small and wireless that it can be taken anywhere. It seems that technology is moving at an incredible pace and the one’s that actually benefit of the patients and users. In the past individuals with health conditions requiring constant monitoring had to resort to having to constantly be in the hospital or at their doctor’s office. However, since new technology allows for building of smaller chips the devices thus have become smaller. But they still have just as much accuracy and practicability as the other devices. So in the end the technology has advanced and those who really need the technology most like patients and those with various illnesses have greatly benefited from this advancement.





Pulse oximeter technology used by military medical personnel for health monitoring in the field


Military medical personnel truly are always in need of medical devices that provide accurate results while at the same time being extremely portable. During medical situations that come about in the military the medical personnel have always been in need of a device that would measure the pulse rate and oxygen levels of patients but also that is portable so that it can be taken into the field of battle. The reason for this is the fact that these military medical personnel need to quickly respond to emergency medical situations wherever the battle is taking place. As such, there will not be any electric outlet source in order to power the medical devices and as such portability of these devices is very important. One such device that truly helps military medical personnel is a pulse oximeter.


The device is actually made specifically to be truly portable and able to be taken anywhere the individual desires to go into the field. So if the personnel need to quickly respond to an emergency in the field they can take the device with them easily. The pulse oximeter is a fraction of the size of the old oximeter devices that were typically found in the hospitals. It is powered by a pair of triple a batteries and as such it is not only lightweight but also highly mobile. The other great aspect of this device is the speed at which it actually takes measurement. After the finger is inserted in the device it really only takes a few seconds before the device gets a reading of the pulse rate and oxygen levels. Our military serves a very important role and function in our nation. It is extremely important that these individuals have the very best technology at their hands and disposal in order to implement when they are operating in the field. They really have no idea where they will be and under what circumstances or situations they will be. Thus, they have always been in need of a product that they can trust to utilize in the field that will not let them down and will allow them to serve their duties effectively and efficiently. Portability was always a problem for these individuals. Some of the very best medical devices and equipment always were tied down to the hospital and clinical settings and thus were not portable at all. If you needed to go somewhere in order to treat a patient or have the vital signs of a person monitored then you actually couldn’t and had to bring them back to the hospital in order to monitor their vital signs. But this all change when new chip technology was created that actually allowed for easy portability of these oximeter devices. So now, the military personnel have no more concern regarding the fact that they will not be able to take their vital sign monitoring medical devices out into the field because they are practically not portable. This proves to be very key in the medical decision making process of these individuals and their ability to not only serve their duties effectively but to also serve their country.






Living with asthma and how to cope with it


To live with asthma is to truly always be concerned about whether you are getting enough oxygen and to avoid having an asthma attack. What asthma essentially is that it’s a very complicated and tough health condition to live with. It affects a wide range of individuals and thus there is no specific health segment of the population that particularly is prone to this condition. Some diseases and health conditions seem to only affect a certain segment of the overall population. However, asthma seems to really not discriminate in this regard and can affect anyone at any age. One of the toughest cases is actually in the case of pediatrics and children. It is very tough for these individuals because children on the average love to live a very active and vibrant life. They love to go out with their friends and play sports or even go biking with their loved ones. However, it is very difficult to tell this child that he will have to cut back on these activities because they may risk not getting enough oxygen into their lungs and system and thus risk an asthma attack.


That is essentially what happens in the case of these individuals with these health conditions. When they do not get enough oxygen they run the risk of experiencing other very serious health complications that may occur when there is a lack of oxygen. This actually may lead to much more serious health conditions as oxygen is the most important and basic element to life. Without oxygen one would not live and with enough oxygen we would live but could be harming our bodies and thus it is of the utmost importance that enough good oxygen is being taken in by the body. The parents of these children are always concerned for their health because they always fear that their child may actually not get enough air and thus may actually hurt themselves severely. Some parents have actually resorted to utilizing portable oxygen monitoring technology such as a pulse oximeter in order their children. The device is very small and actually is a fraction of the size of a pager and thus can be taken anywhere with the individual. It is very small and portable and work on a pair of batteries so no more worries that it has to be plugged into the wall in order to get its power source. Parents easily purchase these devices and they are quite affordable. That has always been the problem with medical devices is that they have been very expensive and out of the reach of typical patients and caregivers. But as technology progresses and the components for these devices get cheaper and cheaper the end user which typically is the consumer can rest assured that they will have the latest products at the best prices. So in the case of the parent with the child with asthma they can purchase a very affordable pulse oximeter to monitor their child’s condition and to ensure that they healthy.









Price of medical devices puts a budget strain on hospitals and patients


It is no new concern that the price of medical devices and equipment has truly skyrocketed in the past few years. The reason for this is very complicated as there are multiple reasons. One possible reason actually is the fact that oil prices have risen sharply over the past few years. Well oil is the main way of getting gasoline and diesel which are the driving force behind the transportation of goods in our nation. When these oil prices go up then they have a direct impact on the cost of shipping products. Now this will have multiple affects on the actual scheme of the medical device market. The manufacturer that actually manufactures the medical device depends on sever suppliers in order to bring those different components together in order to create their product. Well each and every one of those components needs to be shipped with typical trucking and thus it again goes back to the price of the diesel at that time. If the price is high then the transportation cost will be high as well.


Well this effect actually keeps trickling down and those suppliers have their own suppliers that need to ship them good and as such they cost will also go up. In return they have to increase their cost to the manufacturer and as such the manufacturer will increase his own cost as well. One of the products that actually has seen a sharp decline in the cost is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is very useful for individuals with varying respiratory and cardiac conditions. The device has actually gone through a complete evolution. In the early part of its history it was a very bulky and large product that was only found in hospitals. The reason that it was only found in hospitals is the fact that it was very large and not portable but also that it was very expensive. The hospitals and their high budgets for medical devices and equipment could only afford to buy these products. This in turn created a problem for those individuals who wanted to monitor their health and vital signs in the home setting. They first couldn’t afford it and also the product was not portable so they couldn’t take it wherever they wanted to go. Then they came sever technological advancements that truly changed the fact of the pulse oximeter market. There was no longer need for that large and bulky machine as the new chip technology allowed for significantly smaller chips that would allow to build smaller products. This meant portability but also these new chips were extremely cheaper than the previous chips and thus the overall price of the product fell. This was really good for those individuals that really needed the product in order to monitor their health from home but could not afford it. It allowed them the freedom to not only purchase one for themselves but to also be able to take it anywhere they desired to go.

Searching for the perfect pulse oximeter for your child


Finding the right pulse oximeter for your child can be a very difficult and challenging task. However there are several things that need to be considered prior to purchase. One of the most important things to consider is why in fact do you want to purchase a oximeter for your child. The reason why this question is important is because then based on that response you will be able to better choose the type of oximeter that will be necessary. Today it seems that asthma seems the most prevalent reason why parents choose to purchase this device for this children. This is because asthma is very much on the rise and the ability to monitor asthma is critically important to parents.


A pulse oximeter is a fantastic device to monitor asthma and in particular monitor the oxygen levels of your child. Why is it so important to monitor the oxygen levels? Well asthma has a direct impact on the oxygen levels of children and the ability to monitor it is very important to prevent an asthma attack. The varieties of pulse oximeter products that you should be purchasing for your child is actually the variety known as the pediatric pulse oximeter. This line of devices are specially made for children. By that I mean that since you have to place the child’s finger inside the device the size that the device accommodates specifically fits the small finger of the children. It has to be a tight and snug fit so that the results can be as accurate as possible so that you can get the most accurate oxygen readings. Base don that oxygen reading you can determine if your child is getting enough oxygen or whether they may be in need of supplemental oxygen to supplement their own oxygen intake.




Taking a stance against COPD with a pulse oximeter


Have you ever heard of the condition known as COPD. You may have or you may have not, but at the minimum you should know what it is as it affects so many individuals. COPD stands for Chronic Obstrutive Pulmonary Disorder. The conditions is very critical and is typically a lung disorder that needs to be monitored quite closely. In fact the condition actually limits the amount of oxygen that can be taken into the lungs and as such it is critically important that the oxygen levels of these individuals who live with this condition be monitored closely. The condition also seems to be on the rise and although there is medication to help control the health condition there really is no absolute cure. Because there does not exist an exist cure to the condition the individuals living with this condition pay very close attention to their oxygen levels  in order to maintain their health.


How do they pay close attention to their oxygen levels you may ask? Well the process is rather simple. They use a medical and health device known as a pulse oximeter. This  device is very useful in the COPD arena in that it accurately and effectively measures the patient’s oxygen levels and pulse rate accurately and quickly in order to give the patient an indication as to their true oxygen levels. The device is very helpful because it actually is completely portable. It was really not like this before as the hospitals had them but they were very large and bulky and couldn’t be taken anywhere that the individual wanted to go. But the new generation of these models have changed the way that individuals can monitor their health. The new generation of these models are very portable and give the power of monitoring oxygen levels to the individual patients.


Evolution of the modern pulse oximeter device


Quite possibly one of the most important and prolific medical devices of our time is the modern pulse oximeter. This device has its applications that range from the hospital, clinic to the home settings as well as the military. How is it that such a small device has become such an important aspect of the health community? Well the answer to this question lies in exactly what this device does. It is a very useful device in that it accurately measures pulse rate, oxygen levels, as well as pulse strength. The way it does this is quite fascinating. It utilizes a an infrared light that actually passes through the individuals skin and measures the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood stream The light that passes through in no way harms the individual as it can be felt, but it plays a vital role in the actual measurement process.


The pulse oximeter device has gone through a remarkable transformation and evolution since its beginnings. The device was first utilized in the health care industry in the hospital and clinic setting. It was very large and had to typically stay in one particular room without the ability to easily move it from one room to another. This in essence was one of the major drawbacks of the mechanism as individuals really wanted that portability and the ability to  move seamlessly from one room to another. The reason that the pulse oximeter lacked this was actually due to the lack of innovatio in chip technology which came many years later. After years of research and innovation finally a new generatio of chips were invented that actually allowed not only the oximeter to become smaller but also so that it became significantly less expensive. This opened the doors to typical home consumers that otherwise would not be able to afford the device to purchase them for themselves.



Medical device market and where is it going


The medical device market in the U.S. is actually a multi-billion dollar industry that truly seems to not stop growing. The main reason for this is actually that the health of our nation is quickly deteriorating due to such ill effects as obesity, cancer, and other health conditions that have affected our population negatively as it relates to their health. As a response to this the healthcare industry particularly the manufacturers of medical devices have constantly strived to create and provide newer and more accurate devices that can help individuals who have these wide ranging kinds of health conditions. As a result of the increasing health concerns and the rising population these device manufacturers are truly in a great situation for enormous growth and opportunity.


Within the past decade one of the fastest growing trends in the industry has actually been the manufacturing of pulse oximeter technology. This technology although has been around for many years its actual application to daily use by home use individuals has only come up as of late. The reason for this that the technology had to actually in some way catch up so that the pulse oximeter device could be transformed from what was a large microwave-sized device typically found in hospitals to a very small and portable device that individuals can not only take anywhere they desire to go but also it really decreased the price as well. Based on estimates the market is supposed to hit $325 million by the year 2012 and it really doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Again this is due to the rising issues that relate respiratory and cardiac conditions because the oximeter device is so well suited for these health problems. It is small and accurate and thus is like a true health companion travel mate for these individuals with these health conditions.

Why you would need a pulse oximeter device for your home


A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is used primarily for one function and that is for vital sign monitoring. A pulse oximeter is made to measure pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of individuals instantly. Blood oxygen saturation for those of you who do not know what it means is the percentage of oxygen that is in the blood. This percentage has great significance for individuals that have varying types of medical and health conditions including respiratory conditions like asthma and COPD. So why would you need a pulse oximeter for your home? Well if you are a person with either a cardiac or respiratory illness then a pulse oximeter is truly a fantastic product that will provide you with complete vital sign monitoring but with the portability that will allow you to go wherever you desire to go. The device is very small and is actually only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone. However, it has all of the technologica capability to provide the individual with accurate readings of their pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. The other thing that the oximeter device offers is the fact that it provides “continuous” readings of pulse rate and SpO2 along with an alarm function. The reason why this is important is because if you have a health condition that requires you to constantly monitor your health including your vital signs of pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation then the ability to continuously monitor these vital signs with an oximeter is very key to health monitoring.


So if you for example have COPD and you have issues with your oxygen intake. What you can do is to take your pulse oximeter device that is completely portable wherever you desire to go and continuously monitor your vital signs. Should your oxygen levels fall below a normal or health level then the device will start alarming and alerting you that your levels have fallen below the normal rates. When this occurs you will thus have been notified of this lack of oxygen and thus can try utilizing supplemental oxygen in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen. The most important factor of the oximeter device is the portability factor. We as individuals live very active lives that we are constantly on the move. We either are going to work or going to the gym or even on the way to the grocery store to shop for food. Thus, if you have a health condition that requires continuous monitoring of your vital signs then the use of a portable pulse oximeter is absolutely critical to your health monitoring. You can easily take the pulse oximeter wherever you desire to go and monitor your health. Should the situation arise that your levels have fallen below normal levels then the device will automatically alert you as to the issue and thus you can take appropriate actions to remediate the situation.







Sleep Apnea patients utilize a pulse oximeter to monitor their breathing during sleep


Sleep apnea is a very common health condition that affects millions of Americans. What sleep apnea essentially is that an individual stops breathing for a certain period of time while they are sleeping. Although its only a pause in breathing this in fact can have some serious affects on the health and wellness of individuals who have apnea. One of the first affects that apnea has on individuals is the fact that those individuals with the condition find themselves very tired the next day. The reason for this is the fact that they actually have not gotten enough oxygen and thus have not slept in order to be energetic and active the next morning. One of the solutions for those individuals that have apnea is that they attend apnea clinics where they are closely monitored by special machines in order to record and monitor their health condition. A lot of times these centers can provide treatment that either improves or even completely cures the apnea. However, a problem that exists is the fact that once the individual with sleep apnea leaves the apnea center they have no other device that they can utilize at home that will allow them to monitor their oxygen levels during sleep just as the devices do at the centers. There is now a device that offers this function and it is a portable pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that measures the blood oxygen saturation or oxygen levels of individuals instantly and on a continuous basis. The way that a pulse oximeter relates to apnea is that an individual with sleep apnea can utlize a pulse oximeter when they go to sleep in their home and the device will measure their oxygen levels throughout the night. Advanced apnea pulse oximeters have the ability to measure the oxygen levels of the individual on a continuous basis while the patient sleeps safe and sound in their own home. The oximeter device will record the readings that it gets on the computer memory of the device and later the patient can take that date and upload it onto a computer for further analysis. The analysis will show exactly the oxygen levels of the individual throughout the night and will pinpoint specific points of sleep apnea and lack of oxygen. This is a very powerful tool for those with apnea because they no longer are constrained to have to sleep in apnea centers to have their oxygen levels monitored in their sleep. They simply utilize a portable pulse oximeter which is a small device that can be taken anywhere by the individual and is used to measure their oxygen levels while the patient sleeps throughout the night. Most pulse oximeters also have alarm functions that actually will sound an alarm should the oxygen levels fall below healthy levels and also will record this occurrence on its memory computer. The device is quite portably and can be taken wherever the individual desires to go.






Buying the right pulse oximeter device for yourself


Choosing the right pulse oximeter device for yourself can have a big significance in your health monitoring. The question that arises is where does one start to even start to look for a oximeter. Well, before you actually get to searching for a oximeter, you have to determine whether you need an adult oximeter or a pediatric pulse oximeter. The differences between these two varieties has to do with actually how a oximeter actually functions. To use a oximeter you have to place your finger inside the oximeter and within seconds you will get a reading of your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. The device actually depends on the finger that is placed inside the device to measure the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation levels. As such, the fit must be very snug and tight in order to ensure that the readings are as accurate as possible. As a result, since children have small finger their fingers will not have a tight and snug fit within an adult oximeter and as such there will be erratic and incorrect readings. So that is why the first question is whether this oximeter device be utilized for adults or for children. Once you figure this out then you have actually quite narrowed down your search for the right pulse oximteer. Many times individuals have children that have certain cardiac or respiratory conditions that require the close monitoring of their pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation levels. For these individuals, a pediatric or child oximeter is a very good option because it provides them with the necessary correct readings that will allow the parents to make good health decions for their children.


Once you decide on whether you need an adult or pediatric pulse oximeter then you can go online to purchase the device. You can simply just go to Yahoo search engine and type in oximeter. You will see websites that provide oximeters. It is very important that you pay attention to the fact of whether the devices are FDA approved. Once you see that they say that they are FDA approved then you can start deciding which model to purchase in particular. Say for example that you are actually looking for a oximeter that is for an adult. Well, you will have basically two choices for the oximeter. You can either choose the color screen oximeter or the black and white screen. Although there is no difference in the accuracy of these models there is however a convenience difference as well as a price difference. Those oximeters with color tend to be more expensive than those that are not color. However, those pulse oxmeter devices that do have a color screen provide great convenience when reading the readings of the device. With a color screen you can easily see the readings on the screen of the device in almost any lighting situations. This is a significant convenience improvement over the non-color screens.







What is the difference between a pulse oximeter with a color screen and one without


One of the major differences between pulse oximeter products is whether they are color screen or non-color screen. This difference although has no effect on the performance or the accuracy of the device does in fact have a big impact on the convenience of use and the price of the oximeter. Those oximeter devices with a color screen tend to be more expensive because of the actual convenience factor that they provide. The way that a oximeter works is that an individual inserts their finger within the device and within seconds the device calculates and gives an output of the individual’s pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. Many individuals with different health conditions utilize these readings in order to monitor their health and take appropriate measures if needed. One of the most common health conditions that use oximeter devices are those individuals with asthma. Asthma is a very common condition in America and one of the most important aspects of asthma treatment is to monitor the oxygen levels of the individual with asthma in order to ensure that they are receiving enough oxygen as to prevent an asthma attack. This is very important because asthma can be fatal at times and to have the ability to monitor the oxygen levels of the individual with asthma prior to getting an asthma attack is a very powerful medical and health tool.


So the decision winds down to the fact of whether the individual looking for a oximeter should get a oximeter with a color screen or one without. Well the convenience factor is very important aspect to consider and in fact does outweigh the slight price increase of the color screen. We as individual are active people and are always on the go. We go to work, to the gym, and the grocery store where all these areas have different lighting conditions that may make it difficult to read the readings of the oximeter device. As such, the color screen will provide the individuals wishing to monitor their health with a pulse oximeter with the ability to see and easily understand their readings from the oximeter device in any lighting situation. So lets say for example that you have asthma and that you have decided to actually go mountain climbing. Well you didn’t pay exact attention to the time of day and actually it starts to get dark while you are mountain climbing and hiking. Because it has begun to get dark with a typical pulse oximeter without color you will have a very hard time reading the readings in order to determine whether your pulse rate and oxygen levels are functioning at appropriate levels. Thus, by using a oximeter that is a color screen you can see the readings in almost any lighting situation including the dark and thus you have the power to monitor your health wherever you desire to go and in any lighting situation and this is why it is better to opt for the color screen oximeter.

Pulse Oximeter for University Research and Hospital Use


Universities serve a very important function in our society. Not only are they are place of learning but also many times universities have hospitals or health clinics that also offer many different types of health and medical services. The typical university hospital is very much similar to a standard private or public established hospital. They are just as equipped with not only the biomedical technology but also with the qualified health care professionals to provide the best health care to individual patients. One medical device that has started to become quite useful in the university setting is the pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that measures pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation with accuracy and speed. Blood oxygen saturation refers to what professionals better know as SpO2. SpO2 is the percentage of oxygen in the hemoglobin or the blood. This number is very significant to those individuals who have varying health conditions that require careful and close monitoring of their SpO2 levels. The pulse oximeter is specifically made to utilize the latest in infrared technology in order to get the measurements of SpO2 for not only health care professionals but also regular home consumers. Other functions that a pulse oximeter provides is perfusion index capabilities. Perfusion index is a special number that refers to the relative strength of a heart beat or pulse. Again, for different people with varying health conditions the monitoring of this perfusion index number is critical to healthy functioning.


University settings have particularly utilized the portable pulse oximeter devices that have as of recent hit the medical device market. With the advent of new portable chip technology the old oximeter devices that were found in most hospitals and clinics has now been transformed into a portable medical device that is only a fraction of the size of a cell phone. What makes the ability of the pulse oximeter to be portable is the fact that it can be taken wherever the university health care individuals desire to go. For example, if there are on staff physicians who go from patient room to patient room in order to diagnose different patients, they can simply take the oximeter device with them and easily check the vital signs of patients. This is very beneficial to the physician because he doesn’t need to worry about wires or the heaviness of previous generations of pulse oximeter devices. He can simply wear the pulse oximeter around his neck via a lanyard and utilize the device wherever he desires to go. The portable pulse oximeter has also garnered great admiration from medical university students due to not only the ease of use of the device but also the cost effectiveness. Due to the advent of the new chip technology the oximeter has not only decreased dramatically in size but it has also dropped significantly in price. This in turn allows many university student who particularly would not be able to afford such a device to have access to this powerful vital sign monitoring device.




Medical Students use Portable Pulse Oximeter Technology for Training


Medical school can be an extremely challenging yet rewarding experience that produces truly one of the most respected professions in our society. Physicians are truly the carriers of our health and are the ones we turn to in case of health or medical needs. While in medical school, university students always desired to have a medical device that was capable of measuring the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of individual patients while the students were in training. Well, one of the few devices that actually can be used to measure these two very important vital signs is a pulse oximeter. The typical pulse oximeter device is utilized to measure pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation of an individual patient. Depending on the specific health condition that you possess the ability to monitor these vital signs can be the difference between good health and bad health. What the medical students were always used to was the previous generation of pulse oximeter devices that were typically found in hospitals. These devices did in fact measure the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of individuals, however they were not mobile at all. The device was quite large and bulky and typically had to remain plugged into an electrical power source because it was not made to be portable. So, unless every room or anywhere the patient was had a pulse oximeter device there really was no other accurate device that was able to measure pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. Further, the device that was previously found in the hospital and clinical settings was very expensive. It was mostly intended for the hospital settings where they have large budgets in order to cover the cost of health care and medical devices.


But the medical device has been rapidly changed by technology and the new introduction of a portable pulse oximeter. New chip technology has truly changed the landscape of the oximeter device market. The new chips have decreased the size of the pulse oximeter device from what was traditionally a size of a small microwave to a device that is only a fraction of the size of a cell phone. In addition, with the use of portable batteries the device has now become completely portable and can be taken wherever the individual desires to. Further, the new technology has also significantly brought down the cost and price of the product to a level where it is extremely affordable even by student standards. However, although the size as well as the price has dramatically decreased, the accuracy and effectiveness of the device has not. The device still remains very accurate and useful in measuring pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation. The university student can simply take the device wherever they need to go and as they are in training and treating patients they can simply take out the device and measure the health and vital signs of individual patients. The price is also something that has attracted the students because now they can truly afford the device without having to incur a big financial blow.




Heart Arrhythmia Patients seeks Pulse Oximeter device to help monitor their health


Heart Arrhythmia is a medical condition that although is not very common it in fact is very serious and needs to be closely monitored. Heart Arrhythmia occurs in a situation where the normal pulse rate or beating of the heart is at an abnormal rhythm. This abnormality can be caused by many different factors that still to this day have baffled scientists and physicians to figure out the true cause of the condition. Although the cause of the condition has not been figured out, the ability to monitor the condition now is available. A device that has proved to be particularly useful and helpful to those individuals who have heart arrhythmia is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is an extremely useful and effective device that is used to measure the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of individuals with various health conditions. More advance pulse oximeter devices also have plethysmograph capabilities as well as perfusion index capabilities. Because of the ability to use the device to monitor the heart, the pulse oximeter is a preferred device of choice by patients monitoring their Heart Arrhythmia. The individual patient simply places their finger inside the device and within seconds they get a reading of their pulse rate and perfusion index. By doing this the person can continuously monitor their heart to ensure that it is functioning at normal levels and if not they will seek immediate medical attention in order to diagnose their problem.


The way that a pulse oximeter can be particularly useful for individuals with heart arrhythmia is that they can take the device wherever they desire to go. The newer generation of pulse oximeter products are extremely portable. They are only a fraction of the size of a typical cell phone and also are powered by a batter power whereby the device is completely portable. Say for example an individual has heart arrhythmia and as such they need to constantly monitor their health in order determine where it is functioning at health levels. If they decide to go on vacation or even to engage in physical activity, they can simply always carry with them their pulse oximeter device that they can use to monitor their heart. They simply place their finger inside the device and get an instant reading of their heart beat or pulse rate and as such they have the monitoring power right in their hands. The previous generation of oximeter devices although were extremely effective they however were not portable. Thus the individual patients had to be in a hospital or clinical setting in order to have their heart monitored. The device is not only extremely effective and accurate but it is also very cost effective. With the advent of new chip technology the devices have decreased dramatically in both size and price. Thus this allows for more individuals to have access to such a useful device without the concern that they could not afford the device due to their limited budget and limited finances.




Pulse Oximeter devices provide firefighters with portability in vital sign monitoring


Firefighters have one of the most difficult professions in our society. These individuals on a daily basis risk their lives in order to save the lives of other. In many situations these individuals need to go in almost any environment or building structure in order to save lives. Because it is quite unpredictable for the firefighter to know exactly where they need to go when an emergency comes about the ability to have a medical device that can monitor the vital signs of victims that is also portable is extremely important to firefighters. For example, if the firefighter is required to report to an emergency fire inside a warehouse. They really do not exactly what the situation will be when they get there, through what obstacles they have to climb in order to get to the victims, and also to what extent will they need to treat the victim once they find them. A device that helps firefighters react and succeed in such situations is a pulse oximeter.


A pulse oximeter is a medical device that is used to measure pulse rate as well as blood oxygen saturation. These two vital signs are extremely important during emergency situations because they are a major indicator of the health and wellness of the victim. The new generation of pulse oximeter devices are quite small and portable. This however was not the case before as the old oximeter devices were quite large and definitely not portable. The new generation utilizes the latest in portable chip technology which has decreased the size of the device from what use to be the size of a computer screen monitor to a size that is only fraction of a cell phone. Because of its portability firefighters can rest assured that they have a device that they can take easily with them when they need to responde to emergency situations. Because the device accurately measures pulse rate as well as blood oxygen saturation, the firefighters will be able to take the device with them in any situation and upon finding the victims quickly have the victim place their finger inside the oximeter device. By doing this, the device will automatically and quickly calculate the pulse rate and the blood oxygen saturation of the victim and thus provide the firefighter with the information that he requires in order to save the life of the victim. In many situations the pulse oximeter is able to tell the firefighter that due to smoke the victim has not got enough oxygen and as such there may be a situation where they may require supplemental oxygen in order to bring their oxygen levels back to normal levels. Other situations may alert the firefighter that the individual is actually experiencing a cardiac failure like a heart attack and as such the firefighter needs to take certain actions in order to save the life of the person in cardiac arrest. The combination of portability and accuracy truly make the pulse oximeter a very useful device for firefighters when responding to emergency situations. 

Airlines turn to pulse oximeter technology for vital sign monitoring in the sky


Airlines play a very important role in our society as they are such a vital component of travel and transportation. Not only do they provide transportation to individuals but also for the military as well. What many individuals do not realize is the fact that many passengers fly these airlines who have actually a wide variety of health conditions that need monitoring or sometimes in case of emergency purposes immediate vital sign monitoring. One of these conditions is actually heart arrhythmia. Essentially, what heart arrhythmia is that it’s a medical condition that specifically affects the heart. These individuals have an irregular heartbeat that comes at very unexpected times and as such can have very dangerous and devastating effects on the person’s body. There needs to be a device that can monitor the pulse rate during flight in order to make sure that the individual does not go into cardiac arrest.


A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is perfectly suited for those individuals who are actually suffering from heart arrhythmia and that desire to fly. These individuals may really not pay attention but when they are flying they may actually have an occurrence of arrhythmia and as such it is critically important that they use a pulse oximeter in order to monitor their heart rate. There seems to be much news and writings about these devices as they have truly transformed the portable medical device market. The device is only a fraction of the size of a PDA and really is very effective. It measures the pulse rate but also provides the oxygen levels of the person’s body as well thus really giving a sense of the overall health of these individuals while they fly.



Why are so many asthma sufferers talking about the use of a pulse oximeter


Asthma is one of the most prevalent and common health conditions in our society and can truly have a tough toll on those individuals that are living with it. The condition is essentially a respiratory condition that prevents the body from getting enough oxygen. What this actually means is that the individual may actually try to breathe and they will not be able to get enough oxygen. This can be very hard especially since we live very portable lives and are always on the go. So whether your going to work, the mall, or even on a trip you run the risk of getting an asthma attack because there is no way of really telling if you are getting enough oxygen. The use of pulse oximeter can be very helpful in monitoring whether the body is getting enough oxygen and that is why so many asthma sufferers are talking about this medical device that has hit the market.


The pulse oximeter device is truly unique in its own regard because it is a complete health monitoring device that really only is the size of a small electronic device. It has the same functionality and features as the large versions of the same device that were so prevalent in the hospital scenes up until now. But the newer generations and models now pack the same level of functionality but only a fraction of the size of the previous models. What this means is portability and that is what these asthma sufferers truly are searching for. They do not want to be stationary and have to stay in one location without the ability to freely move from one place to another. They want a device that can monitor their oxygen levels but also be portable so that they can actually enjoy their lives and travel wherever they want to go.



What actually causes the pulse rate to fluctuate


The human body is a very complex system and the cardiac system is actually even more complex. The significance and importance of the cardiac system to the body is key for human survival. The center piece of all of this system is actually the pulse rate. This rate is the measurement of the changes in volume of blood as it moves through the body. It is probably the most basic and important vital sign that is critical to monitoring the health of individuals. If you have ever gone to the hospital or any health care facility you will notice that first of all they will monitor your pulse rate and actually take your pulse. This will give them a notion of your health and whether you are at a healthy level and pulse for your age. The determination of a healthy pulse really depends on sever factors and age being one of the most important factors.


Thus depending on your age the pulse rate will change significantly. As the fluctuation of the pulse rate is due to the flow of blood through the arteries a medical device that is made for monitoring this is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that is really the right hand tool of all health care physicians and clinicians who want an accurate reading of the individual’s pulse rate and are needing a device that is also extremely portable that can be taken with them as they please. The pulse oximeter has its roots in the clinical setting but it is now used in the home setting as well as by athletes to monitor the pulse rate. More advanced models actually have a feature known as the perfusion index which in essence measures the strength of the heart beat of the individual.



Surviving Mt. Everest with the use of a Pulse Oximeter


Climbing is truly the ultimate extreme sport that requires the utmost level of physical fitness and endurance. These individuals devote their lives to not only conquering their goals but also expanding their physical fitness to levels that are not quite seen in the general society. One of the main goals of all mountain climbers is to actually climb Mt. Everest which really seems to be the ultimate and pinnacle of all these climbers to conquer. However there is a very important health concern that does affect these athletes which in effect is called hypoxia. Hypoxia is a medical condition that occurs at high altitudes when the body is not able to get enough oxygen. When this occurs then the person is at the risk of not getting enough oxygen in their tissues and as such their tissues may actually begin to die. It is critically important to monitor the oxygen levels when your at extreme altitudes in order to ensure that you do not run the risk of getting hypoxia.


A medical device that is used by mountain climbers to actually monitor their oxygen levels is a pulse oximeter. This device is specifically made to withstand the natural conditions of mountain climbing at high altitudes and also to measure the oxygen levels of the climber. The individual climber places their finger inside the device and within seconds they get a reading of their oxygen levels and based on that reading they can determine if they need supplemental oxygen in order to prevent hypoxia. The use of supplemental oxygen is critical to preventing this medical condition because it will supplement the body’s own lack of oxygen intake and as such it is vitally important. However, for these climbers they need to know exactly when to take the oxygen and that is why a pulse oximeter will warn them when their oxygen levels are running dangerously low.


The difficulty of living with Asthma and is there a way to make it easier


Asthma is very difficult condition to live with and no one really doubts that or disputes that either. Imagine your enjoying your beautiful day and playing soccer with you children. The all of a sudden you are just struck with this heavy feeling in your chest and suddenly you feel like you can not breathe at all. This is very similar to the feeling of a fish out of water story where you literally can not breathe. This can be devastating and very difficult situation because what essentially happens is that you are cut off from many of the your favorite activities that would improve your overall life and enjoyment of life. The problem here is the fact that these asthma sufferers really do not know when they are not getting enough oxygen which at that point its when they can actually get an asthma attack.


The use of a pulse oximeter may actually help to make it easier for these individuals to enjoy their lives. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that has been touted by asthma sufferers as a true innovation in oxygen level monitoring of the body. The individual simply places their finger inside the oximeter device and within seconds they actually get a reading of the pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation levels. It is this blood oxygen saturation levels that is the oxygen levels in the body and that is critically important for these individuals. Based on that reading they are able to determine whether they need to sit down or they can continue working or enjoying whatever activity that they are engaged in. The device is highly mobile and what that means is that it can be taken with the individual wherever they want to go to monitor their oxygen levels.


What are some of the benefits of buying medical device technology online


The online shopping experience has truly revolutionized the industry and people’s lives when it comes to purchasing goods or products online. The reason for this is actually the dynamics of online buy and how the whole process works. One of the most popular category of products to purchase online are medical devices. It is long known that these devices always tended to be very expensive and could not be afforded by the regular individuals. The reason for this is that the device by the time it goes from manufacturer to distributor to retailer to consumer had such a mark-up that it was so much more expensive that it was when it came directory from the manufacturer. This in essence made these medical devices so expensive and in particular pulse oximeter technology.


However, now with the advent of buying online your medical device technology the process is not only much simpler but also more financially sound. When you purchase for example your pulse oximeter online there is no need to leave the comforts of your home in order to go out and purchase the product. Because you are ordering online there is no need to wait the long lines at the store to purchase one. Also, because essentially you are buying online you are cutting out the middle-man and you will be getting a significantly better price than you would be if you were buying from a typical pharmacy or other outlet. So you simply browse the internet and find the right pulse oximeter retailer that has the ability to provide you with exactly the device you need and that’s it your done. This process is significantly more simpler and easy to use and also you get the best price so that your budget can actually stay in tact without financial burdens.


New generations of Pulse Oximeter devices now help those with sleep apnea


Sleep apnea is a very common condition that a lot of times goes undetected and unremedied. The reason for this is the fact that these individuals that have this condition really can not tell that they have sleep apena because it occurs when you are sleeping. Essentially what happens is that during sleep you stop breathing for a period of time and this happens over and over again. Because its in your sleep you really don’t realize it but it can have some major effects on your health. A good way to determine if you have sleep apnea is to see if you are very tired and exhausted when you wake up in the morning to go to work. This is an indication that you didn’t get enough oxygen in your sleep due to the sleep apnea.


The other way to monitor your sleep apnea and to even determine if you have sleep apnea is to use a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a medical and health device that so well fits the applications for sleep apnea. Essentially, the device measures the pulse rate as well as the oxygen levels of individuals during their sleep. So before you go to sleep you simply place your finger inside the small portable device and as you sleep the device measures your oxygen levels on its memory. In the morning you can take that pulse oximeter and hook it up to your computer whereby an entire reading of your entire oxygen levels during sleep show up. Your physician or sleep apnea specialist will be able to determine based on those readings if you have sleep apnea and what a possible remedy may be for it. Thus you essentially can improve your health and avoid any further complications by simply monitoring your oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter as you sleep.



Where does one go to get the latest in Pulse Oximeter device technology


It was always regarded that the pharmacies are the really the best place to go to get the latest and most advanced in medical device technology. However, this is not true anymore as the internet has opened the gateway to a whole new world of possibility when it comes to medical device technology and equipment. The internet has proved to be the best avenue to find these devices because in essence it is a world-wide marketplace whereas the local pharmacy is only limited in its reach and only services the local community. One of the most popular products to get on the internet is actually a pulse oximeter device. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that is very useful and necessary for individuals who have various health conditions including cardiac and respiratory conditions. The device helps these individuals monitor their vital signs in order to determine if they are functioning at optimal health.


The pulse oximeter device has gone through a huge boom when it comes to sales online. The online marketplace seems to be the best place to purchase these devices because it truly offers the best price and quality than the typical physical stores. By purchasing online you are essentially cutting out the middle-man and thus getting a much better price than if you were not going to. The importance of price is so important in today’s economy as so many individuals are really struggling with meeting their budgets with their limited incomes. Because the online market is so much more affordable these individuals can be confident that their oximeter device purchased online is really going to be the best price. This principle also stands true for many other medical device technologies as they can also be bought at significantly better prices online than in the actual stores.



Talks of an I-phone application that will function as a Pulse Oximeter


There is quite a lot of talk of an i-Phone application that will in essence function as a pulse oximeter. A Pulse Oximeter is a medical device that is quite useful for a wide ranging set of health conditions including cardiac and respiratory conditions. Essentially you simply place your finger inside the device and within seconds you get a reading of your pulse rate and oxygen levels. This reading is very important for those individuals who live with these different health conditions because they make health decisions based on that. Developers of i-Phone applications have been in talks for a long time to actually develop a program that would work like this and in essence it seems that they are not that far away from launching such a program. The program would be a true help to those individuals who need constant monitoring of their health.


The new i-Phone program would be able to give the individual an instant reading of their pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation so that they can take further health actions and remedies if needed. The area where there is some speculation is how the phone will be able to actually take the measurements. The current devices take measurement via an infrared light that passes through the skin without you even feeling a thing and comes back with a reading of the actual levels. The idea may be that the phone may be equipped with an infrared light that would be able to do just this and thus give back the readings to the individual who has the phone with them. This will be truly revolutionary and very convenient for those individuals in need of the vital sign monitoring. Physicians can also benefit greatly because they also can use the device in order to monitor the health of their patients seamlessly and wirelessly.

NATO and its use of medical devices in possible intervention in Libya


NATO is one of the most important security forces throughout the entire world. Through their efforts not only have oppressed countries been freed but also so many individuals have been helped medically during times of crisis. One of the key goals of the security force is not only to complete their military objectives but also to provide medical supplies and aid to those in need. One of the medical devices that have historically been used by them during combat missions has been a device called a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a small device that is used by medical personnel during combat missions in order to provide fast and accurate vital sign monitoring. The two major vital signs that it measures is the pulse rate and the oxygen levels in the blood. These two are essentially the most important and the ability to measure them while in hostile situations while on the go is essential.


A few years ago when NATO was playing a major part in the conflicts in the Balkans the military had commissioned the use of hundreds of different health supplies and devices including a Pulse Oximeter. The reason for their usefulness is the fact that you can easily take it with you wherever you go as they are very small in size and weight. As opposed to their hospital counterparts where they are very much stationary and can not be moved, the modern varieties are completely portable and strive in almost any environmental condition. As NATO considers to possibly intervene in Libya there will likely follow a influx of orders that will be received for this device as it is very useful in the field and truly can mean the difference between life or death for their ability to accurately and quickly deliver the results that are so much needed by personnel in the battlefield. The ability to quickly respond to emergency situations in the field has been the number one priority for all military installations. The greatest aspect of the advancement of technology is the fact that devices have begun to become significantly smaller in size and weight. This is mostly due to advancement in chip technology which allows manufacturers to create small devices that can be easily taken from one place to another. The future is likely to hold more advancement and to incorporate for military personnel Bluetooth technology that in essence will link to the home medical base whereby they can see the exact vital signs of the soldiers.


Wall Street sees opportunity in medical device manufacturer stocks


There is a constant search by many individuals on Wall Street that are looking for new and innovative companies with technology that can change the industry. Historically one of the most successful and lucrative stocks have been those that had to do with medical devices. The reason for this is mainly for the fact that medical devices are things that many times are an absolute necessity for those with various health conditions. As a result, they are more willing to purchase one for their needs than they would something that they particularly did not need. Today, one of the technologies that is poised to change the medical device market and thus raise the stocks of those companies that produce them is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter has been used for decades but only as of late has its functionality changed to accommodate more of a portable vital sign monitoring device.


Years ago technology such as the artificial heart valve was a true ground breaker in the field of medical products and many of the stocks that were associated with them rose quite significantly. As of recent there has been a lot of talk and action surrounding the companies and stocks that have to directly deal with Pulse Oximeter technology. The main reason for this is the fact that the product is quite revolutionary in every regard. The ability to monitor your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation while on the go has been something that the market has been yearning for years. The benefit is that an individual lets say with asthma can purchase this portable device and wherever they may go they can constantly monitor their oxygen levels to make sure they are at healthy levels in order to prevent an asthma attack. The future of stocks related to these oximeter products is very bright and will see very much positive growth in the future. Although there does exist quite a bit of volatility in almost every sector in the market, however medical technology is a sector that will forever be in demand because it in essence is not a luxury but a necessity. Those that are suffering from various health conditions do in fact need these products because their entire health and welfare depends on it thus they will buy them. The aspect that makes this sector also attractive is the fact that there is constant change and evolution in the arena thus there is always room for growth in the future.


Blockbuster Video is a great example of becoming obscure by not changing with the times


For decades Blockbuster Video was truly the leader in the field of video rentals. It was not only revolutionary in that it introduced the concept of the ability to rent videos and then enjoy them in your home, but they also came up with many other entertainment innovations. However, through decades of complacency and the inability to see where the market demand is going they are now in risk of having to file for bankruptcy. This has been mainly due to the fact of a major competitor known as Netflix. What Netflix did was in fact that they were able to identify a market demand and that demand was the ability to just stay at home without have to actually go somewhere in order to get your entertainment and then bring it back home.


This is very similar to what is being faced in the medical field today. There exists a technology that is known as a Pulse Oximeter. In the past a pulse oximeter was only found in the hospital setting and they were very large and bulky. They were typically the product that hooked up to your finger while you were on the hospital bed. However, the manufacturers that made those older machines really did not heed the need of the public for a pulse oximeter device that is completely small and portable in that it can be taken anywhere the person needs to take it. As a result, other manufacturers came about that now create the portable variety and this has pretty much taken the market away from the immobile ones. Thus it is very important to anticipate and listen to consumer demand to stay relevant in the market. This has also occurred in many other sectors of the market as well including the automobile industry. In that industry many of manufacturers overlooked the fact that as the price of fuel rises there will be a greater demand for cars that are more fuel efficient. As a result, many of the Japanese vehicles were able to be custom made to be more fuel efficient and as a result this in turn had a very profound effect on the American auto industry. There still does exist potential for the American car manufacturers to come back with their own efficient designs which is exactly what the consumers have been seeking for years as a response to rising fuel costs.


Medical Devices that are used to help with Addiction


It is without a doubt that addiction is one of the most damaging aspects of our society. It can not only devastate the life of the individual going through the addiction but also their family as well. With recent media coverage of Charlie Sheen and his battle with addiction to even those who have overcome it like Robert Downey, Jr., addiction is now front and center as a very serious matter facing our nation. There does exists ways of helping those with this problem and it mainly comes in the form of counseling and therapy. Mostly involved in this therapy is also the use of special medical devices that are made to monitor the health of patients going through the program. One such medical device is a pulse oximeter which is used primarily by individuals and clinics as a means of accurately measuring the pulse rate and oxygen levels of patients.


The reason why a Pulse Oximeter has become such an important tool in helping with Addiction is because it is the best way of monitoring the vital signs of individuals while they are going through such a traumatic change in their body. When you come off specific drugs that you have abused for years your body and in particular your heart may react very violently. As a result, it is a very good idea to use a pulse oximeter to monitor your pulse rate to ensure that you are operating at normal levels. Should you not be operating at the normal levels then what happens is that the device will begin to sound an alarm and those that are there to help you are able to quickly respond to your problem. The greatest aspect of the device is the fact that it can be taken anywhere the patient is going as it is completely portable and thus provides portable vital sign monitoring. It is also very interesting to see where the future of these devices will go. There have been talks that in fact there will be incorporated into them the technology known as Bluetooth. This will hook up the product via a wireless channel directly to the physicians office where they can monitor the patient wherever the patient goes. This again will allow for the ability to have the patient monitored everywhere but it also adds to the overall health care process because it is far more effective than tradition methods.


Shoveling snow and the risks of having a heart attack


If you are one of the millions of individuals that actually lives in locations that are frequented by snow then you know how difficult and frustrating it is dealing with massive snow fall. Although it is quite nice and enjoyable when you are at home in the comfort of your bed, but if you have to travel outside then you need to clear your own snow. Many individuals turn to getting their own shovels and begin shoveling the snow. However, one of the major things that they overlook is the fact that when you are shoveling the snow then what this does in effect is that it places quite a lot of strain on the heart. The problem is that when there is placed a lot of pressure on the hear then you may risk having a heart attack. One of the ways to prevent this is to use a pulse oximeter to closely monitor your pulse rate.


What essentially happens is that the individual seeking to engage in the intense physical activity will also take with them their portable pulse oximeter. The device is quite small and portable and by simply placing your finger inside the product you will be able to quickly and accurately get your pulse rate and blood oxygen saturation levels. These two vital signs are absolutely key to monitoring your health in order to ensure that you are not operating at abnormal levels. If for whatever reason you are actually operating at abnormal levels then what happens is that the Pulse Oximeter will begin to sound an alarm that will alert you to the fact that you need to take a rest or even in extreme situations need to actually seek medical help. What makes this health condition particularly difficult is the fact that it is highly underestimated by so may individuals each season that it snows. Many do not even think twice about the amount of physical exertion that occurs when doing such a simple task as shoveling the snow. The most important thing to remember is that one has to have a very close eye on their body in order to determine its response to the physical activity. At that point can they truly judge whether they are functioning at normal levels. Thousands of Americans die each year during the snowy winter months and many could have been prevented with the use of a pulse oximeter.   


Newest health monitoring devices for women to use during exercise for weight loss


Weight loss is one of the most popular and important issues that women face in today’s society. Mainly do to the fact that we live in a society that does not place too much emphasis on healthy eating and also there is a general lack of physical exercise and movement women face many problems with their health and in particular their weight. The most effective way of getting back in shape and actually bringing down the weight to health levels is to engage in a diet regiment that includes controlling what you eat as well as exercising. However, when it comes to the exercise portion it is very important to actually exercise the healthy way and to closely monitor the body’s vital signs in order to ensure that you are not operating your body at abnormal health levels. One of the ways to do this is to use a health device known as a pulse oximeter.


Pulse Oximeter is a health device that millions of women have used during exercise for weight loss. The way that the product works is as such. You simply place your finger inside the device and then within seconds it will give you an accurate reading of your pulse rate as well as blood oxygen saturation. The reason why this is particularly important is because these two vital signs are the most important in your body and the ability to monitor them closely is key to preventing serious health problems. So for example, as you are working out you place your finger inside the product and then you are able to judge whether your pulse rate is at levels that are considered not healthy and maybe you should slow down a bit. The device also comes with an alarm function that will sound an alarm that alerts you to the fact that you may need to adjust your fitness regiment and exercise in order to prevent any damage to your health. It is definitely no easy task to lose weight because we live in a society that is quite averse to getting back in shape. With the fatty foods that are available in the market as well as the general lack of movement due to working all the time makes getting back in shape a monumental task. As a result, using a pulse oximeter is a very good way of helping you reach your weight goals while at the same time staying healthy.


Latest weight loss tools for those serious to get back in shape


Getting back in shape and losing weight is a task that requires all the help that one can get. Being something that directly affects your health it is very important that weight loss be taken seriously in order to prevent any health issues and complications that typically come about as a result of being overweight such as diabetes and heart disease. One of the tools that is now being used by millions of individuals throughout the country for helping them lose weight is a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health device that is used to measure the pulse rate and the oxygen levels of an individual. The way that this actually helps to lose weigh is that it provides an accurate way of measuring your pulse rate to ensure that you are operating at a level that is inductive to losing weight.


One of the misconceptions of many individuals trying to lose weight is that they believe that by simply walking they can lose weight. Although this statement is not incorrect, however in order to have serious weight loss and get in shape the correct way one has to elevate one’s pulse rate for a minimum of 15 minutes in order to truly get the value out of one’s workout regiment. A Pulse Oximeter is used in this regard to measure that pulse rate in order to make sure that it is elevated so that you are exercising the proper way. In addition, the pulse oximeter comes with an alarm function that will alert you in case you are exceeding the healthy pulse rate levels. This is also important because it gives you the power to prevent doing harm to your body during fitness activities as the alarm function will alert you and then you can adjust your activity based on that information. The more advanced varieties actually come with a feature whereby you can actually record your results over a period of many days. What essentially happens is that once you connect the device to your finger it will begin to record the readings and then later you can download that information directly into your home computer. There you can track your progress and how your body’s pulse rate and oxygen levels are improving as you begin to get back into shape. This is a powerful way of utilizing technology to improve your overall health and life.



Medical devices to monitor baby health


As a parent there is nothing as important as monitoring the health of your baby. Infants are may times born with various health conditions that require close monitoring and attention by the parents. Some of the most common health conditions are asthma and congenital heart disease. Physicians have as of recent begun to recommend the use of pulse oximeter technology by parents to monitor their children in the home setting. A pulse oximeter is a health and medical device that is used by millions of individuals throughout the world to monitor their pulse rate and oxygen levels. The most beneficial aspect of the product is the fact that it provides portable monitoring whereby individuals can take it with them wherever they go and have the power to measure their pulse rate and oxygen levels quickly and accurately.


When it comes to parents of babies with health conditions there is truly not other medical device that is as useful as a pulse oximeter. The parents simply the finger of their child and place it inside the device. Within seconds they will get a reading of the vital signs of the child. With the way that it is manufactured the pulse oximeter can either be used as an on-spot check or to actually be left on the finger to provide continuous and long-term usage. But in the end, the most important aspect and most helpful is the fact that it is completely portable. So as parents you do not have to stay stationary because of your child’s health concerns. You can actually be on the move and the go while still having the ability to check your baby’s vitals within a few seconds. Through years of development and progression has the technology been able to be created in order to provide the ability to monitor infants and babies. The important aspect is that because the product connects to the finger of the baby it is very important that there be a very snug fit to enable accurate readings. As a result of the small anatomical size of a child’s finger manufacturers have custom built the pediatric Pulse Oximeter models to be able to fit baby’s digits easily. This in turn will produce results that are far more accurate than if an adult variety was used. There are even varieties for new-born or neo-natals as their sizes are even smaller than typical children and as a result they require further specially designed products.


Parenting and the use of technology


Parenting is something that is as old as time, but it has definitely gone through many changes over the years. One of the aspects that has changed the realm of parenting is the use of technology. A very important aspect of the a parent’s job is to actually provide for the health of their children. Many times children have certain health conditions that require very close monitoring of their vital signs. Such health concerns such as asthma and heart arrhythmia are just a few examples of the hundreds of conditions that do exist. Today’s parents are however equipped with technology that gives them the power to monitor the health of their children. A very good example of such technology is actually a pulse oximeter. A pulse oximeter is a health device used by mom’s and dad’s to measure the pulse rate and the oxygen levels of children.


The greatest aspect of the product is the fact that it allows for portable monitoring of vital signs. This is very important because parents are always on the go with their kids. They may be rushing to the grocery store or even trying to get to the afternoon soccer game. With these considerations in the mind it was necessary to have a pulse oximeter that was completely portable and that could be taken from one place to another quite easily. So, now for example the mom can take their child who is suffering from asthma to the grocery store and as a precaution they can simply have the kid place his/her finger inside the device and be able to get the oxygen readings. This is key to determine if he/she is getting enough oxygen in order to prevent an asthma attack which can have its own devastating health effects that could have been so easily prevented. There is some interesting technological aspects in store for parents as well. In development is this Pulse Oximeter device that in addition to providing the basic functions of reading the vital signs has also wireless capability whereby it connects directly to the physician’s office computer system. Should there be any abnormal readings then the physician will be able to see it on their system and to quickly prescribe a treatment. The great thing about technology is the fact that it not only makes treating patients more effective and efficient as well, but it also allows for parents to have a piece of mind when they are dealing with children with various health conditions.


NFL Players and their use of a pulse oximeter on the sidelines


The NFL is one of the most demanding physical sports in the world. It truly takes a great deal of training and endurance to be able to participate in what we call today the modern gladiators. One of the most important things that football players need to keep track of is their pulse rate as a well as oxygen levels. There have been many players over the past few years that have suffered serious health problems due to the fact that they overextended their bodies. The main reason for this is that they did not monitor their vital signs in order to determine whether they are getting close to dangerous levels. One very simple and easy way to prevent such health concerns is through the use of a pulse oximeter. A Pulse Oximeter is actually perfectly suited for those players that are seeking to monitor their pulse rate and oxygen levels in the NFL.


The way that it works is like so. When the player returns back to the sidelines what they will do is that they will place their finger inside the pulse oximeter and then within seconds they will be able to get a quick and accurate reading of their vital signs. If for any reason their vitals are not within health ranges then the device will begin to sound and alarm that will alert the individuals to take necessary action in order to prevent any serious health concern. There is in the works also wireless systems that in essence will allow the readings to be wirelessly submitted to the team’s medical team computer system for monitoring. If there is any sign of abnormal readings then at that point the system will be able to decipher that and to make any necessary changes. The ability to monitor the health of players is absolutely crucial because the sport of football has become far more competitive and intense than it was years ago.  Although the NFL has utilized the pulse oximeter for its athletes there are also many other sports that are beginning to take notice of this remarkable medical device that has proved to be so helpful. Being small and portable means that it can be taken anywhere the person desires to go while at the same time providing all the functionality and usefulness of any major device in the hospital setting that individuals are typically used to seeing. 

10 things you need to know when purchasing a Pulse Oximeter


Purchasing a pulse oximeter is an extremely important health decision that you make in order to better your health and your life. This is a very easy to follow guide that will make it quite clear as to what you should look for when in the market to get such a device. Although there is a myriad number of different reasons why an individual may need this device the most common is that a person would need to monitor their pulse rate as well as oxygen levels. Here is the 10 things that you should know when purchasing a pulse oximeter:


1. Determine whether you need a pulse oximeter for a child or an adult. The reason why this is important is because these devices come in different sizes that are specifically made either for an adult or a child. The size difference is key to getting accurate readings.


2. Determine whether you need a color screen monitor or a non-color digital screen. You will find that although the color screen monitors are slightly more expensive they are however much easier to use.


3. Decide whether you want disposable batteries or rechargeable batteries. The rechargeable batteries are significantly more expensive.


4. Decide whether you want a hand held pulse oximeter or a regular “pocket” variety. Typically the hand held devices are meant for professional health care personnel.


5.  Decide whether you need a device that also measures perfusion index. Perfusion index refers to the strength of the heartbeat and is sometimes required by some physicians. So its important to see if your product needs this added option.


6. Figure out if you need the product to have plethysmograph capabilities. This will actually show the movement of the pulse rate up and down.


7. See if you need a lanyard to accompany the device. The lanyard may sometimes be helpful if you are a person always on the go.


8. See if you need a carrying case that provides extra protection against drops and as well as water.


9. Find an online distributor that provides free shipping in order to get the best value for you money.


10. Find an online distributor that has a 1800 number where you can call if you have any questions or concerns.


By using these 10 steps you can make the process of purchasing your medical equipment much easier and more effective.



5 Things to watch out for when buying a Pulse Oximeter


The usage of pulse oximeter devices has actually increased dramatically over the past couple of years. Today, millions of people in the U.S. are using this device  in order to provide themselves with health monitoring capabilities to live a healthier lifestyle. The main feature of this health device is that it quickly and accurately measures an individual’s pulse rate as well as oxygen levels. You simply place your finger inside the device and then within seconds you get a digital reading of your vital signs. The reason for using such a device differs greatly because it can range anything from respiratory conditions to cardiac conditions or to simply monitor one’s health on a daily basis. This guide will identify 5 things to watch out for when you finally decide that you want to purchase a pulse oximeter.


1. Make sure that the pulse oximeter is FDA approved that is being sold by the online distributor that you have chosen to purchase from. This is absolutely critical because the FDA monitors and ensures that medical products that are only approved by them are sold in the market and are safe for usage.


2. Ensure that the online retailer that you desire to purchase from is actually providing free shipping. The reason for this is that it is very important from a financial standpoint for you that the distributor provide free shipping and this will in fact increase the savings that you will have when you decide to purchase online.


3. Be certain that the online distributor provides a 1-800 number that you can call should you have any questions regarding your purchase. They will also be able to answer any technical questions that you may have as well.


4. Look for a warranty that is being offered by the manufacturer. This will ensure that if there ever comes a time where for whatever reason you have a manufacturer’s defect then you can simply return it for it to be repaired.


5. Double check to see that the pulse oximeter actually comes with a pair of batteries. This is pretty standard and almost always there is a new set of batteries that are actually included in the entire package.


These 5 things to watch out for is very important in order to be a smart shopper when deciding to purchase this type of health device. By following this guide you can rest assured that you have avoided many potential issues that have come up for others who were not well informed buyers.




10 Most popular uses for a Pulse Oximeter


If you have never heard of a pulse oximeter then you definitely are not up to date on a very important health device that is used by millions of people throughout the U.S. The basic idea of this amazing health device is that it quickly and accurately measures pulse rate as well as oxygen levels. The process is very simple and beings by simply placing your index finger inside the product. Once the finger is inside the device it begins to work automatically and measures the pulse rate and oxygen levels whereby it then gives out an accurate reading in digital form to be read. Here are 10 of the most popular uses for a pulse oximeter that you probably have never heard of:


1. Use a pulse oximeter when you are exercising in order to monitor your heart and oxygen levels to ensure that you are getting enough oxygen and your heart is functioning at normal levels. Should your readings be out of normal ranges then you can take other actions to remediate this.


2. Use the device when you are scuba diving to ensure your are getting enough oxygen.


3. Take it with you when you go mountain climbing as the oxygen levels are very low in high altitudes.


4. If you fly professionally or recreationally then it is essential to monitor the oxygen levels in your body in order to prevent hypoxia. Hypoxia occurs when the body does not get enough oxygen.


5. Take it with you when you training so that you keep a close eye on your vital signs to ensure you are not overextending yourself.


6. Use it when you are losing weight to see if your heartbeat has been elevated for at least fifteen minutes which is a good measure of an effective workout.


7. Take it with yourself with you go skiing because you are both at high altitudes and are engaging in intense physical activity.


8. Use it with your children when they have asthma to keep a close eye on their oxygen levels in order to prevent an asthma attack.


9. Take it on vacation with yourself abroad to monitor a wide variety of health conditions including asthma, copd and heart arrhythmia.


10. Use it when you are playing sports to measure your performance levels and whether you are getting enough oxygen or whether your pulse rate is at normal levels.


Interview with Dr. Ray Darvish regarding the use of Pulse Oximeter technology for monitoring health.


In an exclusive interview with Dr. Ray Darvish, M.D. a foremost expert in general health, we have gained great insight into the importance of using pulse oximeter technology in order to monitor one’s health. This is an excerpt of the important points from that interview that we conducted with Dr. Ray Darvish, M.D.


Interviewer: Dr. Darvish how can individuals use a pulse oximeter to monitor their health?


Dr. Darvish: A pulse oximeter is a very important health device that can truly be a very important health monitoring aid for those that are suffering from a variety of medical and health conditions. One of the most common health conditions is in fact asthma. Those that have asthma need to keep a very close eye on their oxygen levels in order to ensure that their body is receiving enough of it and as such they do not get an asthma attack.


Interviewer: What are some of the most common health conditions that you recommend using this device for?


Dr. Darvish: Some of the most common are asthma, COPD, and heart arrhythmia. However, this is only a few of the thousands of different health conditions that would greatly benefit from using this device. The most important aspect of the product is the fact that it can be taken and used anywhere the patient desires to go. So if you are suffering from COPD and you desire to go on a vacation then you can rest assured that the device will go with you and provide you with complete health monitoring.


Interviewer: How often should one use the product?


Dr. Darvish: The actual number of times that the device should be used really depends on the specific health condition that the individual possesses. So for example, if you are suffering from hearth arrhythmia then it is a pretty good idea to monitor your pulse rate multiple times throughout the day in order to prevent any health complications that may occur. If used in sports or exercise then really you would use it when you are engaging in that activity.


Interviewer: Where do you see the future of this product?


Dr. Darvish: The future of this product lies in the area of wireless monitoring via Bluetooth technology. Whereby the patient uses the device and the readings automatically go to my office’s computer and gets stored in the patient’s files for my professional diagnosis and then further recommendations.



Study shows that asthma sufferers using Pulse Oximeter technology are less likely to experience an asthma attack


In a recent study conducted by the Darvish Health Clinic in California it was found that asthma sufferers that used a pulse oximeter to monitor their oxygen levels where less likely to experience an asthma attack. The study was actually conducted by testing a pool of 100 asthma sufferers and they were closely monitored over a period of six months. Of these 100 individuals 50 were given a pulse oximeter to use on a daily basis while the other 50 were not given such a device. After months of close monitoring and recording the number of occurrences of asthma attacks it was determined that those that used the device on a continuous basis experienced significantly less cases of such an attack. The device is actually a product of years of research and technological advancement. The earliest forms were only found in the hospital setting and were quite large and thus did not warrant the ability to take them wherever the person desired to go. If you needed to use one you typically had to either go to the hospital or to your physician’s office as they would really be the only one’s with the budget and access to such medical equipment.


However, there was a true revolution in the technology world when new technology finally paved the way to make pulse oximeter devices that are significantly smaller and are able to be taken anywhere the patient desires to go. The study conducted at the Darvish Health Clinic took into consideration many factors that would have an effect on the overall results. The severity of the asthma as well as the age of the individual participating was taken into consideration in order to ensure that the test subjects were on an equal playing field. Subjects were given the device and asked to take it with them wherever that they go and measure their oxygen by simply placing their finger inside the device. They were instructed to seek supplemental oxygen anytime their readings fell below normal levels. In the end, it was conclusive that the use of the equipment gave individuals with a far more advantage in to prevent the attack. When asked what was the best aspect of using the product the vast majority of the patients responded that the portability factor whereby it was small enough to be easily taken anywhere that they desired to go was the most enjoyable and convenient feature.



3 Myths about Pulse Oximeter technology


Although pulse oximeter technology is used by millions of people throughout the entire world there does exist several misconceptions that need to be addressed. For those that do no know what this medical device is it will be briefly discussed here. A pulse oximeter is a health device that is utilized to measure pulse rate as well as oxygen levels. It can be used for everything ranging from asthma, COPD and cardiac conditions to sports and exercise. The most important aspect of it is the fact that it provides complete vital sign monitoring while at the same time being very small and portable. The 3 most common myths about this technology is the following:


1. A pulse oximeter will tell me if my pulse rate and oxygen levels are normal. This is the most common misconception and the reason for that is the fact that the device does in fact give you accurate and continuous readings of your vital signs, however whether those are normal readings varies from individual to individual. Several factors like age, weight, and health conditions play a big part in determining what is considered a normal heartbeat or oxygen levels for a specific person. As a result, it is a very good idea to get this information ahead of time first from you physician and then use the device to measure up against that benchmark. Should your levels fall below what you physician has recommended then you can contact him/her to get professional advice as to what you should do next.


2. The device is waterproof and can be used underwater. Although scuba diving is a sport where it is very critical to monitor the oxygen levels this device does not work under water.


3. The product is indestructible and can be dropped without doing any damage to it. This is actually a very widely misconstrued myth that is very important to point out here. The device although built to be tough and to withstand the daily usage it however can not withstand all forms of daily usage. As with any other computer system it can in fact break and damage can be done to the internal computer should it not be handled properly. Thus, the best practice would be to not drop it and to actually invest in either a lanyard that can be worn around the neck or a heavy duty carrying case that will ensure the product is protected when taken from one location to another.



Losing weight the healthy way


So you have finally come to the conclusion that you want to lose weight. That is only the beginning of your journey. Although it will take a great deal of motivation and hard work on your side you can definitely achieve this goal and bring yourself back to health. As a part of any weight loss program you definitely want to lose the weight in a “healthy way”. By this I mean that you can engage in certain activities and diet regiments that do in fact help you to drop the weight very quickly, however the problem is that you may be overextending your body and actually causing harm to your health. The best way to combat this is to use certain health devices like a pulse oximeter to monitor your vital signs as you are engaging in your diet regiment. A pulse oximeter is a healthy device that is used by millions as a way of losing weight the healthy way. Essentially what happens is that once you place your finger inside the portable device it will begin to work automatically and then gives you a reading of your pulse rate and oxygen levels. From those numbers you can judge if you are at healthy levels.


The way that this applies in the workout situation is as follows. Lets say that you have consulted with a health coach and they have advised that you workout three times a week and to keep your pulse rate at 120 beats per minute. Well, when you are exercising you really have no way of accurately telling at what rate your heart is beating. As a result, by using a pulse oximeter you actually can keep a close eye on your heart rate to make sure that you do not overextend it as this might actually cause a great deal of damage to your health. What will happen is that the device will even begin to sound an alarm telling you that you are exceeding the normal levels with your exercise regiment. As a part of any good weight loss program you definitely want to be in close contact with a health care professional that will keep track of your progress to ensure that you are progressing the healthy way. They are also trained to look for signs that maybe you are not losing the pounds in the most healthy way and as such they can adjust your program to bring you back into the normal levels.


What is a normal pulse rate?


The question always comes up as to what is a normal pulse rate. Well there really is no specific answer to this question because the notion of a normal pulse rate really depends on so many factors. Some of the most important factors that play a part in determining a healthy pulse rate is age and weight. If for example you use a Pulse Oximeter to measure the pulse rate you will actually find that it gives you very different rates for different age groups. For example, there are some pediatric pulse oximeter devices that are made specifically for measuring the heartbeat of children. Well, it is common medical knowledge that children’s hearts beat at a much higher rate and as a result this will sometimes even seem alarming. However, because of the physiological nature of their age it is quite normal and as such there is no need for concern. On the other hand, if you use the pulse rate measuring device on an elder individual you will actually notice that their reading will be lower than most people. Again, this has to completely do with the age of the individual which has a direct effect on the readings.


Another fact that has a lot to do with the heartbeat is any specific medical conditions that the person may have. Certain health conditions directly effect the pulse and as a result they tend to give you unusual readings on even accurate measuring devices like a pulse oximeter. Such conditions as heart arrhythmia is a prime example because it can actually give you unstable readings as there is no steady beat. You may be wondering what exactly causes a pulse rate and what makes your wrist or neck seem like it is palpitating. The way that it works is that when the heart works properly it pushes oxygen rich blood throughout the body. As that blood enters the various tissues throughout the body this causes the palpitation that you may feel when you place your fingers on your neck or your wrist. If you are running and working out you will find that the intensity of the palpitations goes higher and this is because your heart is working harder to push more oxygen rich blood through your body. In the end, there really is no normal pulse rate and it really depends on several factors one of the main ones being age.

Catherine Zeta Jones and looking into what are bipolar disorder treatment options


As of recent it seems that Catherine Zeta Jones has been in the news mainly because of her struggle with bipolar disorder. This is a particularly difficult condition that is very hard not only to live with but also to treat. The roots of the condition date back many generations but only as of the 20th century was this condition actually diagnosed. In essence it is a psychiatric diagnosis that involves a serious of mood disorders resulting in a wide range of mood levels which may actually range anywhere from elation to downright depression. Health care professionals have tried for many years to be able to not only diagnose the condition but also to treat it. And to date it appears that the only alternative for helping the medical condition involves the use of special medication. The most common medication that is prescribed is lithium. However there are some complications and side effects that do occur with this medicine. One of the most common side effects is irregular heartbeat as well as trouble breathing that can occur quite frequently in direct response to the medicine.


As a result, physicians have been in quite a tough situation in that really to date lithium is the only solution to help with bipolar disorder however it does have these very serious side effects that can actually lead to other health issues. Many health care professionals along with the medication also recommend patients to utilize a home health device known as a Pulse Oximeter. The reason for this is because the device is made specifically for two functions and those two functions are for the measurement of the pulse rate as well as the oxygen levels in the body. Essentially the patient that is taking the bipolar medicine will simply use the pulse oximeter sparingly throughout the day to monitor both their heartbeat as well as the oxygen levels. If at any moment their numbers seem to be out of the ordinary realm then they can simply phone their physician and ask for further professional assistance in what they should do. What truly makes this health condition difficult is because it can have devastating effects on a person’s life in general. Without proper treatment it can actually progress to the point where the person may feel that they would not even want to leave their homes. Because really the medicine is the only treatment option right now it is also recommended by doctors to use it in conjunction with a pulse oximeter for safe health monitoring.



Apple iPad destined to become the premiere health monitoring device


It is the most common trend in the health device field to see that devices are becoming more mobile and portable. This in turn has made treatment of patients much more effective and has led to companies even wanting to innovate further in order to take advantage of technological advancements in portable computing. The most promising computing product that is being used for health monitoring is the Applie iPad. Since its introduction into the world of technology the Apple iPad has truly changed the entire landscape. In the past individuals had to rely on small PDA’s or even laptops if they needed to use their computers on the go. However, what the Ipad has done is that it in fact has combined the power of a laptop with the ease of mobility of a PDA. So essentially what happens is that the physician takes the device with them wherever they go either in the hospital setting or the office setting and is able to treat patients. They have access to all the patient’s health data and in addition to that they can even use functionality such as a Pulse Oximeter to monitor the vital signs of the individual.


If you have ever been in a hospital bed for any reason you would probably remember being hooked up to a machine the size of a computer screen where a wire then connected to your index finger. Well that device is called a pulse oximeter and is extremely important in monitoring your vital signs. It is used to measure the pulse rate as well as the oxygen levels of individuals and if the levels get out of normal range then the health care professional will be alerted to this and then can take necessary action. Well what has happened now is that the functionality of a pulse oximeter has been incorporated into the Apple iPad. So there is no more need that the health care professional solely depend on a large, bulky device in the hospital setting to get their patient’s pulse rate and oxygen levels. Now, they can simply go from one patient room to another and get all the health information they need by simply using their device. The most powerful aspect is that it actually automatically connects to the doctor’s central data computer which will then record and store the individual’s information for future referencing and diagnosing at the touch of a button.



What is the most accurate way of measuring a pulse rate?


The human pulse rate is the most basic and important vital sign in the body. Many take it for granted but the pulse plays such an important role in the health of an individual. Every time the heart beats what essentially happens is that oxygen rich blood is supplied throughout the entire body which will then in turn support the life of the cells. With some health conditions there is the improper functioning of the heartbeat and as a result the body does not get enough oxygen rich blood which sustains life. The question always comes up as to what is the most accurate way of measuring the rate. Well, for many years the most basic method of measuring this vital sign was to actually either directly listen to the heart using a stethoscope or to place your fingers on the wrist and measure the number of beats in one minute. Although this is still a valid and frequently used method it does open room for error in that the person can miscount a beat or not even do it properly and thus resulting in irregular readings. As a result, many health care professionals recommend using a Pulse Oximeter which will accurately measure the rate and even provide other important functions as well.


In essence what a pulse oximeter does is that it uses infrared light which travels through the skin. This light is able to help calculate with precision and accuracy the heart beat of the individual. One of the areas where it is very important to monitor the pulse is actually with the use of various medications. Medication is prescribed for so many health conditions and is a very viable method of treating patients. However, there do exist side effects to these medications and some of the most common side effects is actually an irregular heart rate. As a result, physicians generally recommend that the individual patient actually use a pulse oximeter throughout the day while they are using new prescriptions prescribed to them so that they can keep a close eye on their vitals. If for any reasons the levels fall to something this is abnormal the device will actually sound an alarm and then the patient can call their doctor for further professional diagnosis and treatment. The heart rate is the most basic element to life and for many health conditions and in conjunction with medications it is necessary to monitor on a consistent and accurate basis.


Monitoring health during pregnancy


Pregnancy can be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences for any woman in their entire life. The thought that one is carrying the life of another person in their body is very significant and can be a bit overwhelming at times. One of the most important things to do during pregnancy is to monitor very closely the health of the mother. The reason for this is because generally the child will share the health of the mother and as a result it is important that pregnant individual is operating at normal levels of health. Two of the most significant indicators of health is the pulse rate and the oxygen levels in the body. Physicians agree that these two factors are very important because it essence life is sustained with these two vital signs. The heart rate is essential because it serves the function of distributing oxygen rich blood throughout the body. This oxygen rich blood is what sustains the cells and thus allows the body to function properly. And oxygen in it self is the most basic element for life and without it no person can survive. Physicians typically recommend for pregnant women to utilize a Pulse Oximeter to be able to accurately measure these vitals.


Pregnant women have been using pulse oximeter technology more and more throughout the decade. Many have realized that their health is extremely important to the health of their own babies. One of the areas that require the most careful observance is actually in regard to exercising during pregnancy. First, the mother needs to consult their physician in order for the health care professional to recommend a health heart rate while they are exercising. This is important because you really do not want to go past that recommended rate because then it can actually cause some damage to the body. Essentially what the doctors recommend doing is to use the pulse oximeter while you are exercising because if your rate goes past the normal levels then what happens is that it will sound an alarm. When this alarm sounds then you know that you are exceeding the normal levels and you should either stop or seek medical help. This is significant because it is generally recommended that exercise be a part of a healthy pregnancy cycle however many overlook the fact that there are limits to what the body should be doing while with child.


Japan nuclear meltdown and monitoring the health of victims


The nuclear meltdown in Japan is aiming to be one of the worst catastrophes of our time similar to the Chernobyl accident of many years back. The cause of this crisis actually began due to an earthquake of unparalleled magnitude that struck certain parts of the country. The unfortunate thing is that the nuclear power plant is actually located right next to the ocean and as a result it suffered a great deal of damage as a result of the quake. There has been an increasing level of radiation in the surrounding areas and although many in the proximity of the site have been evacuated there does exist the risk that the radiation will permeate into other regions throughout the country. The problem that the health care professionals and government officials face in Japan is that they do not know how to keep tabs on the health of the population in the wake of this unprecedented disaster. The initial acts have been to actually start distributing Pulse Oximeter devices to the vast majority of the population so that they can monitor their health in their homes in order to keep track of their vital signs during these important times.


The positive aspect of distributing pulse oximeter devices to the population is because there really is not enough staff or hospitals that can keep track of and monitor the health of millions of individuals. As a result, it is quite a blessing to be able to have the people monitor their health by simply using the pulse oximeter device on a daily basis. The device will be able to measure the pulse rate as well as the oxygen levels of the individual and should their levels fall to an abnormal mark then the device will sound an alarm at which point they must seek medical attention. The ability to monitor and prevent potential health problems is absolutely key in the country right now. Because it is so easy to use and actually quite economical from a government budget standpoint it is being sent to so many homes to use. Although there will eventually be brought some closure to this issue and problem that is facing the country in the mean time it is very important to monitor the people’s health so as to take preventative measures from more serious health concerns which may occur if proper supervision and monitoring is the done earlier on. 

Medical Devices frequently set off airport security checkpoints


Airport security checkpoints have become an extremely important aspect of our national security. Ever since the attacks of 9/11 there has been an increased level of security throughout all the airports of the world. Although there has been a marked decrease in the number of security breaches as a result of this, however there also has been some other unwanted consequences that have affected many travelers. One of the most common issues that has come up in the past few years has actually been issues related to going through security checkpoints with the use of a medical device known as a Pulse Oximeter. For those that are not aware of what a pulse oximeter is well I will quickly review its function and use. Essentially this is a medical device that is used by millions of individuals throughout the country for the purpose of measuring an individual’s pulse rate as well as oxygen levels with accuracy and ease. Because the device is made to be smaller than the size of a cell phone it is highly portable and can be taken anywhere the person desires to go. As a result, many individuals take it with them when they fly in order to monitor their vital signs.


What has occurred in the past few years has been the fact that because the pulse oximeter is very portable individuals have been trying to take them with them on the airplane. However, due to the security checkpoints in all airports the device has not been able to pass through inspection due to the fact that it sets off the metal detectors. This has actually posed an issue to so many people with various health conditions because they depend on the device on a daily basis to monitor their vital signs. In response, airport security personnel have now been educated about such medical devices and are now trained to spot them and allow them to pass easily through the checkpoint. Typically a good practice is to actually put your device through the metal detector very similar to how you would handle a cell phone. When you do this, the personnel will be able to identify the product and thus allow you to freely go through with it to be used on the plane or to be utilized at your final destination. This concern affects not just pulse oximeter devices but all types of medical products.


Batteries cited in world-wide study as biggest area in need of improvement in the portable devices market


It is without a doubt that the latest trend in the electronics market is actually portability. The ability to take your electronic devices with you wherever you go has been something that the market has wanted for decades however only as of late has it become a reality. In particular, medical devices like the most commonly used pulse oximeter devices have been the leading sector in making more devices that are completely portable and able to be utilized wherever the individual is. However, in a recent study by the Power Source Organization it was found that the batteries which power all of these portable medical devices were severely lacking in keeping up with the demands in the portable market. The most common power source for medical devices like Pulse Oximeter products is battery power. The reason for this is the fact that batteries are quite affordable and they are also very small and lightweight thus lending very well to portable products. However, the needs of these devices have changed because of recent technological advancement which actually now utilize OLED color screens and super fast microprocessors which tend to drain the batteries very quickly as the product is being used by individuals.  


The study showed that 95% of all portable medical devices including pulse oximeter technology was being underserved by battery technology. It found that the average use for such devices was only 4 straight hours of usage and this was in fact very much inadequate compared to the overall needs of the market. However, the study also did cite that there was quite a bit of newer technology that is in the works for powering these products. There have been quite a bit of innovation in the lithium ion battery market but there will continue to be more as time goes on. Other potential sources of power cited by the study were the use of solar energy to power the various devices. This is not only a source that is effective but also quite environmentally friendly as batteries are constantly used and disposed of in the garbage. This in turn will end up in the landfills and take quite a bit of time until they have decomposed. According to the Power Source Organization solar powered cells are able to last 20 times longer than standard common batteries and as a result will prove to be more effective and environmentally friendly.


Fashion’s newest trend leads to stylish carrying cases for portable medical devices


Statistics state that over 230 million Americans use various medical devices in their daily lives. One of the most commonly used medical devices is actually a pulse oximeter and it is used by millions of individuals in the country. What has occurred in recent years is that medical devices like Pulse Oximeter products have become increasingly smaller and more portable. As a result, this has enabled individuals to take their device with them wherever they go in order to monitor their vital signs. But interestingly a brand new market has stemmed from this and it is actually in the fashion realm. Many individuals have turned to some of the world’s most famous designers for stylish carrying cases that not only provide the fashion but also what is required of carrying cases for medical products. The most common needs of a carrying case is for easy portability and protection from the elements. Most of the modern devices are so technologically advanced that the elements including water and wind can harm their components. As a result, having a protective case is quite important to preserve the use of the product and to ensure that it can be used for many years to come.


On the other hand, there are the stylish and fashion requirements that many have desired for decades. Women in particular like to have their medical and health devices in cases that look very trendy. Some of the most popular looks are to utilize leather as well as beads that add a great level of elegance. One of the most effective carrying cases on the market is actually used for pulse oximeter products. This carrying case is made with water-resistant leather which also has several extra functionalities including the ability to charge it by simply placing the device in the case. In addition, it very well protects against water and wind which can hurt the electrical components of the product. The other factor that all carrying cases need to protect against is actually dropping of the device. Many of the most advanced cases actually incorporate certain foam substance which serve to protect the components if they are accidently dropped from a certain height. The future for these products will include more and more of the world’s most famous designers actually getting into the market as well. Today’s trend seems to be that most of the designers that actually make high-end purses are also making smaller purses that can house their medical products.


 The fight against obesity finds new ally in the use of a pulse oximeter


According to the Surgeon General of the United States obesity is one of the leading health concerns that is facing our nation today. There is quite a bit of actual debate among the medical community as to the exact cause of this health condition, however the short-term and long-term health effects can already be seen. One of the leading causes of obesity in the country is the lack of exercise. As a culture in general we do not place much emphasis on physical fitness or exercise and in fact we are quite a stationary society in general. Whether we are at work or our children are at school there is very little activity other than just sitting. And even after work or school the majority of individuals go home and once they eat dinner they either watch television or just simply go to sleep. This in fact has led the way for so many individuals of varying ages to suffer from obesity. Physicians however have begun to prescribe not only exercise to combat this condition but also to utilize a pulse oximeter in conjunction with the exercise regiment. It has become an essential element of losing weight the proper way when using a pulse oximeter.


The reason that so many physicians have suggested using a Pulse Oximeter to lose weight is because it allows the individual to monitor their vital signs while they are exercising in order to lose weight the healthy way. Many individuals are quite determined to begin their regiment however they in fact overextend their body and can actually do a great deal of harm to their health. For example, if the person begins to run on the treadmill for the first time they may not realize that their heart is not ready to take on such a big leap in physical activity and in fact they may hurt themselves. As a result, by using the device the person can closely monitor not only their pulse rate but also their oxygen levels to ensure that they are within healthy limits prescribed by their doctors. Recent statistics have found that in fact with the use of the device in conjunction with working out on a regular basis subjects have experienced a significant drop in weight while at the same time achieving a great fitness level in regards to their overall health. The fight still continues to achieve overall national health and a new ally is available to help in that fight.





Social Media and how it can be used to boost sales in the medical device market


Social media has become one of the most powerful marketing tools in the business world. What makes it particularly effective is the fact that it allows for the rapid dispersion of information across a wide range of individuals at very affordable prices. One of the areas that has seen an enormous boost in sales is the medical device market with such products as pulse oximeter devices and stethescopes. A good example of how social media works is that with a simple platform as Facebook the medical device companies can actually keep tabs with thousands of customers in a very cost effective way. Further, whenever they desire to introduce new products or offers they can quickly send this information to all their Facebook friends in order to gain more market share. In the past, companies had to resort to expensive mailers or email marketing which many times would automatically go into the spam filters. However, now they can simply with the click of a button reach thousands of customers or even potential customers. This in fact is what makes it so powerful to use social media to market company products and services.


One of the prime examples that has been used by many proponents of this marketing tactic has been the introduction of portable Pulse Oximeter devices. Last year several companies got involved in introducing a revolutionary new technology known as a pulse oximeter. This device with its innovative technology was destined to truly change the home medical device market however it required a very effective marketing tactic that would be able to reach millions of individuals quickly and cost effectively. Its basic premise was the fact that it actually monitors an individual’s pulse rate and oxygen levels while on the go. Thus, if a person is suffering from asthma they can easily take it with them wherever they desire to go and keep a close monitoring of their oxygen levels in order to prevent an asthma attack. As a result, these companies turned to using social media as their major marketing platform to target potential customers. With the use of Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace within a few weeks over 1 million potential customers became aware of the introduction of this great product. The other great benefit is the fact that once the individual actually gets the information through these avenues they can click through and go to the site that is advertising the product and they can directly buy from them. 














Medquip MQ3000 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

more info
List Price: $96.96
Our Price: $65.87
Sale Price: $59.89
Southeastern Medical Supply, Inc - Medquip MQ3000 Fingertip Pulse Oximeter | Finger Pulse Oximeter | Portable Oximeter | Pediatric Oximeter | Accurate Home Use

Pulse Bar Indicator to assist in obtaining a strong reading
LED Viewing Screen with Pulse Rate, SPO2 and Bar Graph
Low Battery Life Indicator
'All-in-One' Integrated Finger Oximeter
Auto power off
Best in class 2 year warranty


     FDA Approved
     Pediatric Pulse Oximeter